17. Nessa

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Nessa Barrett sighed to herself as she finished her work for the day. She checked the time 1:30 pm with time to spare. She managed to finish all her work for the week from 10 am to 1:30 pm. Bless her. She came back from her breakfast with Jaden at 9:30 am and she immediately got started with her school work not wanting to fail. Not like she would anyways. She always was a top student. Her mind flew back to this morning. When she and Jaden were eating together at the blueberry cafe. They had the time of their lives. You could see it going in the happiness in both their eyes. It was as if nothing could get better than this. Nessa could definitely get used to having breakfast with Jaden. He was one hell of a guy when it came to choosing breakfast. He wasn't one to settle for something mediocre.  Nessa could easily remembering him saying "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Don't eat something ordinary. Otherwise the whole day will be boring." Thus, the reason why she let him choose. And he was the best peri son to order. He had ordered the most delicious breakfast Nessa has ever tasted in her entire life. They had a great time at breakfast. They laughed got to know each other and discussed conspiracies that Nessa didn't even think Jaden could possibly know about. He had insisted that they take photos together, but she knew better than that. She didn't want to get hated on because she was with one of TikTok's finest stars  and rock icon Jaden Hossler. The boy, however managed to take a candid photo of her and put it on his story. She could imagine the hate and the amount of people trolling her account right now. She sighed to herself as she made her way into the shower for the second time that day. Maybe a quick cold shower before going into work to get her mind off of things. However, while the faucet was on and cold splatters of water hit her soft delicate skin, all she could think about was Jaden.

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