George's thoughts

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Why? Why did I have to get angry at him when we left weed? He didn't know that he done wrong. If I could go back I would've acted in a forgiving way to help him understand what he done wrong. For god's sake, he remembered my whole speech but he can't remember anything else unless he says it three times. His whole world was those rabbits but yet he would've killed all of 'em with one touch. T' top it off, kept their dead bodies. However, maybe if I had just worked a little bit harder he wouldn't be gone. If we had just moved out to that house we wouldn't be in this situation. Instead we were too poor to afford the stupid place. We would all be safe, none of us dead. We could be humble and have a peaceful life out in the vast countryside. He could 'ave his rabbits, his dog and mice. Why didn't I just work my evening off?! or get an evening job bartendin' because we all know how well that went for Lennie last time.

Why did I think he wouldn't squeeze that pup? Making it's eyes bulge out of its poor little skull, it's pulse fading away into nothing, stagnant blood sitting in it's veins. Of course he would kill it! He's killed everything he's touched either that or it is struck with fright and dies from a heart attack. From those mice to that girl he just doesn't understan'. Then the dog and finally Curley's wife. The tramp was probably asking for it. She would've gone into that barn and started her flirtin'. Why didn't he just walk away! Oh I remember, he couldn't. The dirty scamp would've trapped 'im in. Or why didn't he say that he couldn't talk. Either way, she would've lured him back. She had it comin'. The poor man doesn't know his own strength. I had t' do it to 'im for 'is own sake. t'was a vicious cycle. Not good for no one. So I did the only viable option. It drains me of all emotion just to think about what I did but I know if it wasn't me it would be Curley or the cops. What a good best friend i was. Got angry at him all the time, didn't get him that stupid tomato sauce! How could I be so damn stupid! What a slow, painful death he would've had. The poor fella was just as oblivious that day as any day. How could he not know? Thinking back I was stiff as a goat that was scared and as uncomfortable as a deer in the headlights.

Now I need t' move on. I need to continue wornkin' for the boss and save up some money. I will get myself a house, Take care of the garden and get a little farm goin'. Maybe, just maybe I might get a few rabbits. All I know is that I did the right thing the other day. It was the actual act of killing with kindness.

To say that Lennie was my friend is an understatement. 'e was my family, my brother. My son some would say. I guess I would go that far as well because you tell your son not to go talking t' strangers or t' not go out of your sight for too long. I tol' Lennie all o' those things and as a child would he didn't listen. So I had t' punish him before anyone else did. I was congratulated but I don't feel like a winner. I feel lonely and lost in my own thoughts. The only people I have now are the ones in my head. They swim around my brain picking up old memories and bringing 'em to the front of my head just so they can laugh at my despair. So they can tell me I will never succeed, that I will never become anything. I know I will never live the life I used to. But that's kind of the point, right? I won't live with the misery of what I did. I will live a new lie. A new beginning, the one I should've had.

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