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"Holy shit." He grunted.

Indeed, the situation was not ideal. The entire side of his head was covered in blood and the rest of his body was drenched in sweat. This adversary was proving to be more effective than he originally thought.

He face split with a grin, the beginnings of a chuckle sprouting from his throat. 

The inflictor of his pain was standing before him. "You have something of mine."

The laugh burst from his lips, nearly falling over, he collected himself. "Do I?" 

The other forcefully took the cane from his grip. "I really ought to thank you Markus. You made me this way. It almost has a hint of hilarity."

Markus saw nothing hilarious about this, despite having laughed seconds earlier. "Damien, can't we talk this out?" In his panicked frenzy, he noticed a phonograph.

"For the last time." He lashed out at his face with the cane. "I'm not your old friend."

Markus dodged away before he could get hit again. He slowly stood to his feet and limped over to the phonograph

Dark is slightly confused by his actions. "Where do you think you're going?" 

Markus set the needle down on the record and sighed. "This was his favorite song."

Dark's eye twitched. "I just said-"

"I know what you said!" Markus snapped. He straightened his black bowtie and sighed again. Dark grabbed his shoulder, pushing and knocking him against the wall. 

Markus didn't struggle, he hung limp in Dark's grasp. "There's no point in fighting it." He was grinning again. "We all have our roles." 

Dark grimaced and pressed him against the wall, breathing heavily. "You're the one to blame, villainous bitch." 

"Oh, I'm the villainous one? Who hunted me down and tied me up then~?"

"Shut it!" He pressed him harder against the wall.

Markus bit his lip seductively and looked into Dark's eyes. "You know you want me."

"Disgusting!" He smacked Markus in the face after letting him go. 

"Haha." Markus chuckled. 

"Vile! Abysmal!"

"I've heard them all. The insults don't land anymore!"

"I know what will land."

"And what would those be?"

"Bullets." Dark pulled out a gun and shot him in the forehead.

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