Chapter six - idk pov i update!

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Okay so before I start a few things:

1. this chapter is quite the time skip from the last one

2. this chapter is gonna be pretty short cuz I'm preparing for the next chapter. it will be released either the day before my birthday, the day of my birthday, or the day after my birthday. no updates until then so yeah! my bday is the 30th of may.

3. so sorry for not updating, I am very depressed lmao

okay so here we go. short n sweet chapter.

Mello POV

I rubbed my face as I got ready for the day. We could do very little to track Kira at the moment, so I spent most of my time just hanging out with Matt. We even went outside sometimes which was always nice. He had helped me until I was healthy again, so I decided that I could repay the favor by giving him the attention I knew that he silently craved. He would never say it out loud, but I could tell he hated it when I went to work, or whenever he went with me, when I locked eyes with someone across the room and gave them a little smirk. He was quite a territorial dog, after all.

I brushed my teeth, waiting for Matt to get up. He had awoken when I slid out of bed, and he was most likely partaking in his morning ritual of laying in bed and trying to go back to sleep. Of course, he never did. As I expected, he came into the bathroom. He yawned, wrapping his arms around me from behind. "Hi," he muttered, resting his head on my shoulder and closing his eyes.

I smiled and was content to savor the gesture and let him stay there, but I couldn't. I gently elbowed him. "Get off, or you'll fall back asleep," I chuckled, returning my toothbrush to its rightful place.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked, fumbling for a washcloth.

"Good. You?"

"Mmmm..." he trailed off. "Not a lot."

I frowned. "I swear to God, if you were up playing video games-"

"I wasn't. I was thinkin' bout you again."

I was taken aback. "You- what-" I opened my mouth before closing it again. I tried to formulate my thoughts. "The fuck?" Matt was never one to be so outright, and it was strange.

"Yeah. I really like you, Mello."

Now I just wanted to laugh. "Matt. Please tell me this isn't how you're trying to fucking confess to me."

"Um... it is."

I leaned in the doorframe, narrowing my eyes. "So let me get this straight. You are under the impression that we aren't already together?"

"Well... yeah?"


"What?" he laughed almost nervously.

"You're such a nerd, oh my God," I laughed, pushing off the frame and engulfing him in a hug. "But you're my nerd. We have been doing things couples do for the past few months."

He wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in my chest. "Well, I know that! I just didn't know-"

"It's okay, it's okay." I was slightly charmed that he had probably believed he was making the first move.

andddd idk how to end this my brain is FRIED so I'm done for now big chapter next bey bye damn this is so short rip

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