#BlueandBlack or #WhiteandGold

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Okay! So all day yesterday everyone was talking about this dress that someone posted on Instagram saying what colour is the dress?
I said it's blue and black I mean where the f does this white come from?!?
I saw the top part of the dress which I thought was black and was like I see where ur coming from with the gold, but I just think it's the lighting.
And the blue just stayed blue. I still don't get how u see white. Maybe the outline of the blue part looked white but I couldn't tell.
But in the end the winners turned out to be #BlueandBlack.
Go #BlueandBlack!!!!😝😗😊
Apparently people who saw black and blue are creative and imaginative, and people who saw white and gold are strong at languages and maths.
That was a really argumentive competitive day. 'It's black and blue!'
'No! It's white and gold!'
'Black and blue!'
'White and gold!'
Then here I am....
'I see the black, blue and gold!'
I mean blue just stays blue. The black doesn't look like proper black but then again it could be the lighting. And the top bit looks gold but the rest of the black doesn't. So yeah that's weird...... but in the end I stuck with #BlueandBlack cause I saw blue and black first:not blue black and gold 😂😂😂
Okayy......i just finished watching annabelle. it wasn't that scary to be honest. and It obvs doesn't beat my official fav Insidious2!!!!! Yeah!!!!! Insidious 2 was epic! But u have to watch insidious 1 to understand Y it's sooooo epic.
I am a bit tired........................okay nighty!!!!

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