angry brocken uwu💔⛓🥺

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btw chris if u r reading this all the insults r true and if this ends up being an enemies to lovers im gonna kms and burn u in a fire. btw if I ever publish a book it will be like 5 million times better than this garbage. in this there is literally just my dream to beat u tf up and nothing else. <3 marley (the sexier hotter funnier person)

I was walking, minding my business in school trying to get to class when this kid who literally was built like Mr. O'Hare from The Lorax runs into me.

"Watch it" He says like the entitled bitch he is.

God I just want to beat his scrawny 5'2 gorilla looking face in. Maybe that would fix it or at least make it slightly better looking.

"You ran into me asshole" I reply angrily.

"That's your opinion. Your opinion is incorrect. This statement is a fact." He says like he has practiced in the mirror over and over.

"What the actual fuck." I mutter.

I try to walk into my class trying to at least show up, as he has already made me late, but he reaches for the handle.

"Not so fast little kid" He says as if he has superiority.

"What do you want." I huff.

"You seem like you were flirting with me back there" He smirks.

"You wish" I literally don't know why this dollar tree version of Timothee Chalemet was acting like he was better than me. He is literally the palest person ever.

"You'll come around" He bites his tiny bottom lip and opens the door to the classroom when I finally had it with him.

I yank his grab handles on his backpack, which sends him flying backward into the lockers easily considering he is a twig and weighs less than 30 lbs.

He was still standing as he started to say, "What the-" I cut him off by swinging my right hand into his "precious" face square in the nose which causes him to to fall back against the lockers again.

"That felt really nice" I mumble shaking my hand out. All of the sudden he is back up charging the limited 3 feet away from me, punching me in the lip. I feel the blood rush into my mouth and I fill with adrenaline.

I notice him going in for seconds and catch his weak right hook. Blood is coming out of his nose and makes me smile as I do a quick uppercut which makes him wince and fall to the ground.

At this point the hallways were just starting to fill with the rest of the grade and their shaking hands holding phones recording.

Chris is lying on the ground, face filled with pain. The blood is dripping out of my mouth, but I can't feel the pain. I see multiple bruises and cuts on Chris and it doesn't stop me.

All of the sudden I am on my way to get on top of his shriveled body and continue beating his musty face in.

Punch, pain, a wince or groan from him, punch, pain, a wince or groan from him, over and over until someone, I don't know who drags me up and I yell "COME AND GET ME MOTHERFUCKER! OH THATS RIGHT YOU'RE ON THE GROUND-" I manage to get out but the dragging me muffles me.

I see the spinning hallways and the slow-motion video of me being dragged away as if I am not myself, but watching someone else control my movements, words, and breaths.

I get dizzy and force myself to close my eyes. I feel myself getting fuzzy and cold. I sense myself blacking out fully. I go limp in the person dragging me drops me and I hit the cold hard tile of the school hallways... or was it carpet... or... o... r...

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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