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Katsumi stared down at her hands as the black car drove silently towards her new future

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Katsumi stared down at her hands as the black car drove silently towards her new future. 

You will become All Mights successor, get close to him! I swear you ungrateful child if you mess this up for us we will throw you out on the streets like the rat you are.  

The sound of her uncles voice echoed through her head as the car came to a stop a block away from UA, a prestigious school where students from all over Japan can learn to become a hero and where Kat would soon find herself apart of. Being a child from a family with connections they were quick to use her story and quirk to get her into the school.

Who wouldn't want the well known Katsumi Boshido join their institute, with her background of a dead family who was taken in by a loving aunt and uncle and a powerful quirk to boot. 

"Miss Boshido, are you going to get out?" The soft voice of the old driver brought Kat out of her own dreary thoughts. 

"Yes, thank you Taza." With a small bow Katsumi got out of the family car, only used on her when they wanted others to see the power in which their family had. With that she began to head towards the school, black eyes scanning the other students who had made it into such a prestigious school. 

Moving around a boy with green hair who was just standing at the gate, she made her way through the school with ease before finding herself in the classroom of 1-A. A few students were already in the classroom, one was a boy with blonde hair but he didn't pay her any mind so Katsumi silently made her way over to her seat after checking the seating chart on the desk at the front of the class. 

There she sat down and zoned out, finding herself once more silently falling into the background as the class around her was lively. Not even when the blonde boy and glasses boy went at it did her attention fall back to the world. 

Instead her ears seemed to ring with past screams that forever haunt her, it wasn't until a boy with white and red hair gently tapped her shoulder did she notice the class was moving out into the hallway. The boy didn't even acknowledge that he had helped her as he moved through the desks, but there Katsumi found herself staring after him before making her way to her feet and following behind. 

There she followed the girls into a locker room where they all grabbed a blue and white outside uniform and began to change, allowing Katsumi to follow along silently without having to ask any questions. Even as they walked outside with the rest of the class it wasn't until the green haired boy from the gate squeaked out "quirk apprehension test" did Kat even know what was happening. 

"Soft pitch, standing long jump, 50 meter dash, endurance running, grip strength test, sustained sideways jump, upper body exercise, seated toe-touch. These are tests you find yourself doing in middle school, but then you were barred from using your quirks. The country still hasn't gotten around standardizing these standard tests in order to track quirk performance levels. Well, thats the negligence of MEXT." As their teacher droned on Katsumi found herself quickly losing interest, as even though the school kept them from testing their quirks power her aunt and uncle kept records in order to keep her on track to becoming their perfect little monster. 

"Bakugou, how long could you pitch a ball in middle school?" When a boy with blonde hair seemed to perk up at being asked a question Kat was curious suddenly why he had been chosen from the crowd of students. 
"Try using your quirk this time around, as long as you stay in the circle anything goes." The blonde boy began to stretch as he made his way to the circle on the ground, then caught the ball their teacher had tossed him. 

"Don't hold back." Their teacher droned causing the boy with blonde hair to give a small nod. 

"You got it." With that Katsumi watched curious as the boy seemed to get in position, then with a sudden DIE!!!! he seemed to blast the ball with his quirk sending it far off into the distance. 

"Before anything else one must know what they are capable off-" Katsumi couldn't help but wince slightly at the word choice her teacher had gone with, as she had been reminded over and over just what she was capable of. 

"It looks fun you say..." Kat found herself staring at the dark and foreboding face of her black haired teacher before his next words gave her a glimmer of hope.  "So you thought you would be spending your next 3 years here having fun...then let's add a new rule: The student who ranks last in points will be named hopeless and instantly expelled." 

Great, maybe I can get kicked out on the first day. That will show aunty Okine.

Katsumi felt a small smirk fall across her face as the next few minutes suddenly changed her course of life. 

Maybe...maybe now they can see how truly MONSTROUS I CAN BE. 

With that the tests began and Katsumi found herself standing beside a boy with his hands on his hips standing with his back to the line. 

Of course I get an idiot to go against, just have to be slower than my middle school time.

As soon as the buzz went off she began a light jog while the boy beside her used some strange glow from his stomach to shoot past her. She could practically feel the eyes of her teacher drilling into her as she moved across the line and was told the outcome of 8:15.

Alright teach you see what I'm getting at here, good.

With that she found herself half-assing the next three tests all the while their teacher seemed to be assessing her with close eyes. Until finally it was the fifth trial: The pitch, where she found herself going after the girl Uraraka who seemed to have some type of gravity quirk. 

Gently she tossed the ball up and down while the whispers of her classmates hit her ears. 

"She isn't too well, and after seeing Uraraka it's going to be hard going right after that." 

"I don't think she has even used her quirk in any of the tests, that's weird from a recommended student."

"No matter what she can't be as bad as that stupid Deku."

"So, your Katsumi Boshido...daughter of the Demon Duo: Fire and Ash, what a shame their daughter is just a waste of talent." At those words the girl couldn't help but tense up, black eyes falling on the bored expression of her teacher. 

Keep calm....he's just trying to get a rise out of you. Just throw the stupid ball and move on.

With that Kat positioned herself for the throw, her fingers squeezing the ball but it was clear she wasn't going to use her quirk once more. Right as she began to throw the next words cut through her chest.

"Two heroes dying for no reason it seems." It seemed almost instant as smoke began to wisp from her mouth, once black eyes shifted to a golden hue as her hair began to float around her by some unseen force. Flames flickered out around her, and before she knew it she was in front of her teacher the thrown ball forgotten as her fangs lengthened as her body began to float up. 

But as suddenly as it appeared her quirk flickered and she found herself standing in front of her teacher with eyes full of rage, fingers clenched as his hair gently floated around him now with red eyes flashing. 

Instead of saying anything the teacher held up the device that counted the length of her throw, and the class stood in stunned silence as they looked at the destroyed field. What had been the ball had become a ball of flame that in her rage Katsumi had thrown downward, but instead of the ground stopping the ball it instead dug deep into the ground leaving wreckage in its wake. 

733.8 meters seemed to mock the black haired girl, but instead of commenting the girl spun around and walked to the side of the field where her classmates stared at her in shock. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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