Field Trip!

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When in the clear, Celestia sobbed again. She could pretend to be classy, but she longed to have the bragging right Togami has. The money. The class. The reputation. She felt jealous more than anything.

Makoto: "Celest-?"
Celestia: "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE-"
Makoto: "...Why are you....are you okay?"
Celestia: "Listen, my issues do not concern you."
Makoto: "Just tell me...."

She sobbed again.

Celestia: "I....I would love to go on the field trip Naegi."
Makoto: "Oh-! Well you can join us!"
Celestia: "Thats just it-! I cant!"

It took a moment....but.....

Celestia: "I just cant afford something of that sort Makoto."

Someone...some....steps were outside.....

Celestia: "What...who is that?!"

The door slowly opened.

Togami: "That must be one hell of a stubbed toe...-"

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