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         The ground felt hard underpaw as Willowmist padded across Brightclan teritory. She felt her kits move close by her as they walked. "Momma, who was that mean cat at the border?" Said the bright kit. "It was a Leafclan warrior, no need to worry." Willowmist bent down and gave her kit a gentle lick. As they entered the heart of the clan, her silver kit jumped of a rock and landed with an oof  as she hit the ground. "Be careful, Fallenkit!" Willowmist said, padding over to her kit to nudge her up. "I'm okay!" "I swear, all kits can fall off the tallest tree and not even wail!" The familer voice made Willowmist jump with suprise. "Mouseflight, yes, I agree, but next time please don't sneak up on me!" The silver she-cat said, giving her brother a prod in the side with her muzzle. "Goldkit, Fallenkit, come." Willowmist begged. "Coming momma!" Grunted Goldkit quickly. As the four cats came into the clan, Willowmist noticed that the she-cat who mothered her was looking around scaredly until she saw Willowmist. "Oh, thank Starclan! Who said you could go out with your kits by yourself?" The older she-cat said. "I was so worried! What if the fox came back?" "Keep your fur on, Shardsong." Willowmist turned to her leader, Darkstar as she began to speak. "She just wanted to take her kits out and let them see the forest." The she-cat muttered. "Well, its the clan code 'Kits under 6 moons of age cant go out...'" "...Unless they are with someone, like their mother." Darkstar finished the old she-cats sentence. "Maybe its time we stop following rules, like Ashclan. So much has happened here in Brightclan that I think its time we change." Willowmist almost gasped. Could she really mean that?  Willowmist thought heavily. "Come, come, Darling, you must rest!" Shardsong said, snapping Willowmist out of her thoughts. "So should you." Her brother said. After sharing tongues with her family, she padded to the nursery and laid in her nest with her kits. Soon enough, Goldkit and Fallenkit both fell into deep sleep after hard playing. Willowmist looked down at her kits. She couldent let them live like rouges. Though, she found it not so hard to agree that Brightclan had broken the code many many times. Even the great leader of Brightclan had kits with a cat from another clan! Then she thought about her real mother it wasnt all her fault she had kits with a rouge. Sighing, she pushed away her thoughts. Maybe the next day would bring news about a codeless Brightclan.

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