chapter one

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My alarm was beeping. Omg yay!! First day back to school. I jumped out of my bed and looked at the floor. I had 3 outfits laid out.

Number one was a red floral shirt with mom jeans and some converse.

Number two was a yellow tank top with some denim shorts and Birkenstocks.

Number three was a leopard print tank top  with some black flares and a pair of vans.

I decided to go with 1 as its practical if it rains. Eek I'm so excited for school. I'm going to be a sophomore!! I packed up my essentials and went to do my teeth.

After that I went downstairs to say hi to my mom.

"Hey mom!" I said.
"Hey honey, you excited for your first day back?"
"Of course! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone."
"I left you some breakfast in the fridge! You better eat it before it goes off." My mom said.

I opened the fridge door and saw a blueberry yoghurt with granola and berries.
"Thankyou mom!! It looks so nice!"
"You're welcome sweetie, I have to leave now so have a wonderful day."
She planted a kiss on my forehead and left out of the door.
Crap she took the car :// I guess I'll go on my bike.

I ate my breakfast and did my hair, it was in two pigtails. Then I went to my front garden. My bike was propped up on the porch. I put on my helmet then left for school.


"Hey court you look like you're struggling, want a ride?" I asked.
"I-im okay, ne-early there." She grunted.
She was attempting to ride up the biggest hill in our neighborhood.
"No court please come in the car you're struggling."
"No! I can do it." She insisted.
"Fine. You'll be late to school." I snickered.
"NO WAIT!!!" She yelled.
She put her bike in the boot of my car and climbed in the backseat.

"Yo dude why were you attempting to get up the biggest hill in Muskoka?" Geoff asked.
"My mum took the car so I had one option." She frowned.
"I mean you could've just called us!" I exclaimed.
She smiled at me.
"So how was summer?" She asked.
"Me and Geoff went surfing with Brody and kitty! We stayed in Malibu for a month."
"Woah that sounds so cool!" She said.
" So what did you do??" Geoff asked.
"I-uh just the usual! Chilling in my pool!" She claimed nervously.
"Hmm sure." I chuckled.


I had not just been chilling...I was hanging out with someone...Duncan.
But I couldn't say that!!! If my mom finds out she would kill me!! She hates Duncan!
Bridgette pulled into school and I hopped out of her car and took my bike out of the boot. I waved her and Geoff goodbye as I had to lock my bike up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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