Against all odds (A Cimorelli Fan Fiction)

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Disclaimer: I am, in no way, related to Cimorelli’s management, or a member of the Cimorelli family, and don’t claim to be. This story is purely fictional and I don’t mean to mislead anyone into thinking this actually happened. This is purely fictional and a result of my imagination and boredom. I also would like to apologize in advance for the horrible English mistakes you might spot, English is not my first language, so let me know and I’ll do my best to correct them.

Chapter 1: What do you say of taking chances ?

Hello there, by the corner, would you spare me a moment ?

New York, United States of America, September 17th 2010, 11pm

Alyssa was sitting there in her room, going through the page of her diary she had just finished writing, smiling because she felt like writing in her diary two days in a row was already quite the accomplishment. To be completely honest, it was the first time in her 12 years of existence that she could say she felt really committed to her diary and truly wanted to write in it every day. Maybe because the person who had given it to her was really special. Maybe because she was growing up and felt the need to express herself more and more every day. She wasn’t even sure.

Dear diary,                                                                                            

Today has been quite weird at school. I always eat lunch with many people and we are used to talking about other people. They seem to always care about what I say, surely because I’m quite popular, I don’t know. There’s this girl at school, her name is Bonnie Atkins, and no one really likes her, I never see her hanging out with anyone, except maybe Josh Gatlin every once in a while when they’re in math together, but well yeah she’s quite a loner apparently. And Mary Brooks asked me about her today. She wanted to know what I thought of her I guess. I really think Mary is rude, she is SO opinionated, and I know for a fact she’s waiting for me to fall to take my seat at the center of the table. But that’s never gonna happen, she just wants that because she’s jealous that Brandon guy talks to me the most, and it’s not even my fault. Anyway, I told her that I don’t know Bonnie at all, which is the exact truth, I don’t know her, which makes her quite strange to my eyes since I know EVERYONE at school, literally everyone. And on that, Mary replied “You don’t even need to know her to see she’s the weirdest weirdo that ever walked this place. I mean, look at her clothes, does she live in the streets or what ???” All the girls laughed so I laughed too, even though I didn’t really see what was funny. To be honest I hate the way Bonnie dresses but that’s not exactly my business and I didn’t really understand why Mary suddenly decided it was hers. But I know that if I had not laughed they would have wondered if anything was wrong and I can’t afford that, I’m currently among the most popular girls, and I’m the youngest, and I quite enjoy that.

But I think Bonnie overheard us, I noticed she looked sad all day. It made me feel bad, somehow, because I was among those people who were laughing at her, even if I didn’t mean it, it was mean. I might go and apologize to her tomorrow, but I’m afraid she doesn’t accept my apology, she’s 14 and I’m 12, it might sound weird to her to accept the apologies of a younger one, but we’ll see. I’ll do that when the others aren’t watching, they would judge me for that matter, and I don’t want that to happen, I have a reputation after all.

Josh Gatlin left flowers in my locker again. I don’t know what to do, I like his little gifts, and every time we talk it’s cool, but I’m not going to go out with him. First, everyone wants me to go out with Brandon because he is way more popular and handsome. And second I think I’m too young for love yet, at least that’s what mom says. SPEAKING OF LOVE OMG I’M SO IN LOVE WITH JUSTIN BIEBER. Like hello, his voice is so perfect get over yourself whatever you say is irrelevaaaaaaaaant. I’m not 8, I know we’re never gonna meet each other, but I really think he’s a cool artist, and yeah, somehow I feel close to him, which is weird. I made everyone at school kinda discover him a few months ago so I’m every girl’s hero haha they’re quite pathetic if you want to know what I think, I saw so many people thinking they are definitely going to date him, that makes no sense. And just a few hours ago I saw 6 girls from California doing a cover of Baby, they were really really good, seriously. I can’t remember their name or anything, it was something like Cymeroli that sounded quite Italian to my ears but I don’t know. Apparently they are sisters but, 6 sisters, really? That’s an AWFUL LOT of kids; I’ll try to find out more about them when I get to go on the computer again tomorrow!”

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