Press conference

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3rd person POV.

Tony and Peter was currently in the lab just tinkering with a few new Spider-Man gadgets as tony knew he had to tell Peter it was in 2 days.

Tony: hey kid.

Peter looking down at tony since he was sitting on the ceiling screwing in some stuff.

Tony: there have been rumors about you and me going around so pepper made it to where we are having a press conference about it where we will reveal you to be my personal intern it's in 2 days sorry about this.

Peter just smiled at him and said.

Peter: that's ok mister stark I understand but what kind of rumors was there.

Tony: *sigh* honestly there was about 20 of them all of them different the one that was passed around the most was that you was secretly my son so I want you to speak at this conference to clear it up.

He nodded but iron dad saw that he looked a bit nervous and said.

Tony: and don't worry it's going to be a indoor press conference no more then 10 reporters along with some news casters covering it so 20 at most since I know your senses are dialed up to like 11.

Peter let out a big sigh of relief as just then Friday said.

Friday: sir it appears that your pizzas are here would you like for a worker to bring them up?

Tony: yeah fri that'd be great make sure it's one that has done it before.

Friday: of course sir also it seems a package you ordered is here.

Tony: package?

Just then realization went through him as he said.

Tony: oh yeah have it brought up as well.

Peter: package?

Tony gave him a smirk as Peter jumped down to the floor and sat on the couch with tony as Peter said.

Peter: mister staaaaark I know that smirk what did you do.

Tony: *sips coffee* what I do best.

Peter: buy things I don't need.

Tony: kid earlier today I saw you duck taping your backpack strap back on you needed a new backpack.

Peter pouted as tony chuckles.

Time skip.

Peters POV.

As I was in my I felt like I was being talked about.

3rd person POV.

On the 3rd floor of stark tower there is tony with 2 other people bodyguards to be exact one was a woman standing about 5'8 blondish brown hair in a suit and a man 6'0 black hair in a suit.

Tony: ok now you might be wondering why you had to take lessons from black widow along with Hawkeye well here's the reason I didn't hire you to become my bodyguards I hired you to become my interns bodyguards.

The 2 of them did not flinch at this as tony slid a paper in front of each of them.

Tony: now before we continue if you want to except this job you will sign these to sum it up once you sign this it means that you are not aloud to talk about what you see or what any of my staff does unless it's breaking some kind of law or it's going to hurt someone is that understood.

They both nodded as they signed them and tony asked.

Tony: ok great now let's see.

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