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They were lead out of the city and into the desert. Lian knew the way. He recognised it by the sound of the wind in the rocky hills around them. They were being led to one of the old kyber temples on the outskirts. A temple the guardians had left desolate as they no longer had the numbers to maintain it. Behind him he could hear the thundering of engines. "The star destroyer is leaving", he heard one of the rebels say. "We must tell Gerrera".

Lian wondered what that meant, the star destroyer that had hovered over the city for years, finally leaving. But his attention was quickly brought back to the present as the bag over his head was swiftly pulled away and he was shoved into a basic cell of stone and iron. Blaze and Chirrut shortly followed after him and the brown haired man was shoved in before the iron gate clanged shut. Lian peered through the bars. He could see their weapons piled up in the corner, out of reach. (Someone had taken his staff and the sack from his back when he had arrived). The cells were in a little corridor and at the other end he could see a shady room which seemed like a shared space for the rebels. Dozens of them were sat around chatting in different languages. Some were playing cards while others slept in their chairs. The woman, the daughter of Galen Erso, was no where to be seen.

Lian stepped back from the gate and moved to sit on the small cot next to Chirrut. The cot was carved out of the sandstone wall and it was cold to the touch. He crossed his legs and leaned back against the stone. "I am one with the force and the force is with me", Chirrut was chanting. "I am one with the force and the force is with me".

"Praying?" Blaze muttered. "Really?" Lian cracked open his eyes to watch the familiar argument start up again.

"It bothers him because he knows it's possible", Chirrut replied sharply. Blaze snorted and began chuckling. "Blaze Malbus was once the most devoted guardian of us all".

The brown haired man, who had still not introduced himself, knelt down and began fiddling with his sock. "I am beginning to think that the force and I have different priorities".

"There are worst cages than this one", Chirrut murmured.

"This is a first for me".

"There is more than one sort of prison captain. I sense that you carry yours wherever you go".

The man turned to side eye the three of them suspiciously. "My name is Cassian. Don't call me Captain".

"I am Chirrut Imwe. This is Blaze Malbus and Lian". Chirrut waved a hand in the general direction is both of them. Lian nodded at Cassian in greeting.

"Not a terribly talkative kid", Cassian stated. He was by the door, watching the room beyond.

"Lian doesn't talk to strangers", Chirrut joked. "He's shy like that". Lian scowled at Cassian and tugged his scarf further up his face, thumb and index finger rubbing the soft cloth.

"Who's in the next cell?" Chirrut asked after a brief minute of silence.

"What?" Blaze stomped across the cell to peer through the small window to the neighbouring one. "It's a imperial pilot, I'm going to kill him". He tried to reach through the bars but Cassian was there. The man pulled him back and Blaze huffed.

"Hey", Cassian whispered. "Are you the pilot? The shuttle pilot?"

Whoever was in the next cell gave a moan. "What's wrong with him?" Chirrut asked. Lian stood up and peered round Cassian to see. The man inn the next cell was skinny. His once tanned skin sweaty and pale and his long dark hair was tied back into a messy ponytail. Dark scruff of the beginning of a beard covered his cheeks but Lian recognised him anyway.

"Bodhi?" He shoved Cassian out of the way and pressed his face to the bars. "Bodhi Rook? I used to play with you as a child. It's Lian". Bodhi's head tilted slightly towards him and he blinked. There might have been a sheen of recognition in his eyes but there was not enough lighting for Lian to see his face properly.

"Bodhi Rook, Pilot", he mumbled.

"Ask him if he knows Galen Erso", Cassian hissed. Bodhi blinked again.

"Galen Erso. I brought the message. I'm the pilot".

"Yes!" Cassian shoved himself up next to Lian to see.

Bodhi took a breath and turned to them with sudden lightness in his eyes. "I'm the pilot. I'm the pilot".

"Yes. Now where is Galen Erso?"


The floor shook. Lian stumbled as dust began to fall from the ceiling. The rebels began chattering in panicked voices and ran out of the room. Using the sudden emptiness, Cassian ran to the doors and did something to the lock. "Go! Go!" He yelled as the door opened. Lian hurtled out with Balze on his heels. They ran to where their weapons had been dumped . Blaze picking up his gun and strapping it to his back. "You get the pilot! I'm going to get Jyn", Cassian called as he scooped up his blaster and disappeared down the hall. Lian grabbed his staff and threw the second one to Chirrut, who caught it without turning his head.

"I'll get the pilot", Blaze grumbled as he aimed his gun at the second cell door. Bodhi ducked back as it fired and the door burst open. "Let's go!"

"Bodhi", Lian ran forwards and grabbed his arm.

"Lian?" Bodhi exclaimed as Lian dragged him out of his cell. He ran after Chirrut and blaze, the temple collapsing all around him. Only for them all to stop as they hit the sunlight. Where Jedha used to be was a wall of stone and fire. The ground cracking up in a wave of oncoming distraction. Lian gaped for a moment. The holy city noting more than fire and ash.

"Lian!" Blaze's voice shook him out of it. He was running to where a silver ship was descending. "Come on!"

Lian grabbed Bodhi and began running. He was dimly aware of Cassian and Jyn bursting out of the temple and running alongside him as they tumbled towards the ship. They all practically threw themselves up the ramp and into the hold, Jyn slapping the button to close the ramp doors behind her and they collapsed in a heap. Cassian was up instantly and scrambling into the pilot's seat. "Get us out of here!"

"I'm not very optimistic about our odds", The decommissioned imperial droid voiced.

"Not now K!"

The ground was crumbling around them as the ship lifted and turned away from the oncoming wall of lightening and stone. Lian  scrambled up, knocking knees with Bodhi as he pressed his face to the window. Jyn shoved up behind him and they both watched as the world became a storm of lightning falling rubble. The remains of Jedha city fallen around them. "Punch it!" Cassian yelled.

"I haven't finished my calculations yet", the droid complained.

"I'll make them for you". Then the stars were blurring  and they were jumping into hyperspace.


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