Bubble gum

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Niall's pov

      "Zaaayyynnn im borrrreeedd" I complained to my best friend in the whole world.

      "Niall I have an essay due next week so you're just gonna have to deal with it mate". I groan at him and flop onto his bed.

      "Can't you take a break already?"

      "To do what?" He asks me. I try and think of something to do and come up empty handed as I pull out some blue raspberry bubble gum, my favorite.

      "You gonna share your gum Ni?" I hear from where zayn is.

      "Maaayyybbeee, what will I get from you?" I ask with a cheeky smile, and he laughs and asks what I want

      "I want you to take a break from your stupid essay" he rolls his perfect honey colored eyes at me.

      "If my average goes down im blaming you". I toss him a piece and we chew in silence. Eventually he gets the bright idea to play fifa and since it's better than nothing I agree to play with him (even if he's terrible at it). I end up winning each game by 3 points or more. I tell him to give up because im too good and he laughs at me like I told the worlds funniest joke.      

     "Okay mate its getting late, I should head home" zayn looks slightly disappointed and says

      "oh uh yeah see ya". It hurts to see him even remotely sad because I'm in love with my best friend, he has no idea, and I have no chance.

Zayn's pov

Yes he's annoying and I'm not getting any work done but I still love being around him, maybe even a little too much. I mean he's so pretty with his dyed blond hair and blue eyes I just want him to be mine. I'd never tell him of course because he's straight. I would never have a chance with him. Once again I put those thoughts out out my brain and focus on what Niall is telling me, he wants me to stop working on my essay. How can I say no to him? He's NIALL FREAKING HORAN. He gives me gum in exchange for my complete undivided attention. He could have that for free any day. He's my little leprechaun. My best friend. I think I'm in love with him. No its offical. I know im in love with him, he doesn't know, and I don't have a chance.

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