Surprises are everywhere

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Louis pov

There's so much to do, too much to do. I have to set up Harry's birthday party which includes getting his cake from the bakery, setting up the booze, streamers, food, and everything else. At least it's still a surprise to the birthday boy, I can't wait to see his smiling face tonight!

His beautiful smile and bright emerald eyes...Oh god not again. I need to stop thinking about him like this, he isn't gay. Hell I'm not gay. My parents would kill me if I was. I push those thoughts away. I have a few hours to set up, and zayn is late.

Zayns pov

Harry's birthday. Ughh I have to help Louis set up. Maybe I'll talk about my feelings for niall, maybe he'll understand... I'm already a bit late so I fling the covers off of my body and get dressed into a tee shirt ands some jeans. I don't bother with my hair because I'll have to get ready later anyway. I stuff my hair under a black beanie and brush my teeth. I walk out of the door to my flat 10 minutes later and head to Louis' place. The door is open so i rush in to find an exasperated Louis sitting in the middle of the floor looking panicked. "Lou, what's the matter?" "What if he doesn't like it?" "What if who doesn't like what?" He sighs at me as if I'm supposed to understand him and his Louis speak. "What if I'm doing all this work for Harry and he doesn't like it?" I look at him gently. "Lou, you know him better than he knows himself,of course he'll love it. Now get your arse up and let's finish this Kay?" That's all it takes for him to get up. Fruit an hour or so we silently finish hanging streamers and set up all the liquor louis bought.

Louis pov

Thank good I have zayn. He picked me up off the floor and helped me set up the rest of the party. One day he'll make a guy really happy. What? I have a gaydar and I know for a fact he is 100% homo. Hey harry, Liam, and niall are all gay too (that's why they're my best friends even if they don't wanna admit they like the D)

Niall's pov

This boy is driving me crazy. I know it's his birthday but I need him to sit down and shut the fuck up... I'm about to just drop him off at Louis' place. I shouldn't because it would ruin the surprise but he's asking for Lou anyway.  Maybe I can ask zayn to come over and help me with my little handful.

Harry's pov

Its my birthday!!!! Today is All about me! I can't wait to see Lou later so we can celebrate, for now he's at home. He said he's a bit under the weather but should be feeling better by tonight... I hope he does. I miss my Lou bear... Maybe I should come out tonight. Wow that was random but I've been wanting to for a long time because I have this fantasy of Louis taking me into his arms and telling me how much he loves me. Oh well a boy can dream...

Louis pov

Almost done. I have a few more touches to add and I need to pick up his cake... ugh  well at least it's almost done

"Louis...can I ask you something?" Oh god he knows about my love for Harry. My heart drops into my stomach "uh yeah sure" "do you think niall and I would make a good couple?" He doesn't know! "Ayyy zaynie bear, you came out of the closet!!!" As I hug him tightly I hear him whisper "maybe I should have came out to Liam first now Louis let me go mate" I let him go a minute or so later "wait until I tell niall, I very he's madly in life with you oh my gosh we should all come out tonight! I know Liam wants to! Oh my gosh how long have you been crushing on our little leprechaun?? Wait, why tell me first? Oh my god am I obvious about being gay?"

Zayn pov

This is gonna be a long night.

Harry pov

I walk in the door quickly, niall and I got dressed an hour ago but we waited until 6:30 exactly to knock on the door. I wonder why... oh well I don't really care. All I know is it's time to see my lou bear! I walk in and I see the most epic party in full swing and as soon as I walk in it gets quiet. "Happy birthday!!" I hear everyone say in unison. I run to find Louis to thank him, I know he thought of this. He knows me so well.

Nialls pov

I've been at the party long enough to get semi drink, and as I pour myself another drink I hear a very tipsy zayn slur "Wanna dance" I don't think he means to ask me, he's just so drunk... he'd never ask me to dance if he was sober that's what I'm telling myself at least. "Actually" he whispers " I have something to tell you ni" "okay..."  "I like you, I know you won't believe me because I'm drunk but I really like wait I love you, you're my best friend and

You're so pretty and I just wanna kiss you but you don't like me like that. " I cut him off with a kiss. He looks shocked, pleased but shocked. "My little leprechaun is so pretty, such a pretty boy"

Harry's pov

I go in search of my best friend and I spot him alone in the kitchen getting more alcohol. I run up to him and grab him around the waist and pick him up. "You wonderful boy you" "what'd I do?" I sigh because a drunk louis is a forgetful louis. "Lou bear you put this party together for me" he smiles at me " do ya like it hazza?" I smile back at him "Lou bear I love it, I love you." I wait for his reaction and he just smiles at me even brighter "hazza I love you too, more than a friend..." His voice drops bear the end but I still understand perfectly. He loves me like I love him. I start to kiss him slowly hoping he doesn't push me away. He doesn't and we kiss for a little longer, the kiss getting deeper before Liam interrupts up. Damn. "Uh hey mate I think I'm gonna head home okay?" I say a quick goodbye and go back to kissing Louis.

Louis' pov

Harry thanks me for the party and all of a sudden he kisses me! His soft lips on mine, kissing me passionately. Our lips move in sync, and I swear I get drunk off the kiss. More drunk than I already am. After Liam interrupts us he smiles, kisses me again and leads me to my room. As soon as the door is shut I'm pressed against the wall with Harry's lips attached to my neck sucking on my sweet spot. I moan lightly and I can feel him smirk against my skin. There's no doubt I'll have marks in the morning but right now I just need more. More kisses, more love bites, more Harry. "Harry more" I whimper and he gladly obliges...

Zayns pov

I wake up in the morning next to a blonde figure. I made a mistake last night didnt I? Oh god I have a headache. Who did I fuck? Some niall look alike I bet. Its slowly coming back to me now. How I told niall I love him last night. How He kissed me last night. How he practically begged me to Lay with him until he feel asleep. I guess I fell asleep too. At least we didn't do anything we would regret. I mean our clothes are still on so we couldn't have done anything all that sexual.

Niall's pov

Its morning and i feel an arm wrapped around my waist. Zayns arm. I cuddle further into his chest. He stayed with me through the night, and cuddled with me.  AWWWWWWWWWWWW okay im so not freaking out. Maybe a little. Okay yes I am because the hottest guy ever is cuddling with me and called me a pretty leprechaun. Ahhhh! Okay im good... I just need a little more sleep.

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