Chapter 15

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"Ahh~ Today was great~!" Mae sighed happily, laying down on Lloyd's apartment bed, a content smile on her face.

"Why are you so happy? It's weird." The male sat down on one of the chairs. "Normally you're quiet, confused, annoyed, or upset."

The blue eyed young woman quickly sat up. "Because I was able to make two friends today!" She said cheerfully, making what looked like a peace sign to show the number two.

"Huh?" Lloyd questioned.

"Oh...! Let me explain...!" Mae said.

It's early September which meant it was the start of the school year. However, Kristina Maze, Angelica Kennedy, and whoever else caused a problem for Maebelle in her high school and middle school, didn't go to her college. (Most likely due to their poor grades)

At first she had multiple classes sitting by herself, however when lunch time came along is when things started to change.

Maebelle started eating by herself, well until...

"Hello? Can my friend and I sit with you?" A feminine voice asked. Maebelle had turned to look at the young women. The one who had spoken had tan skin, blonde braided hair and gray eyes. Her friend had beautiful dark skin, short brown hair in a bun, and pretty hazel eyes. Both girls looked super... nice...!

However all Maebelle did to reply was point to herself, she was really confused. People? Wanting to sit with her? Huh?

"Pfft, you're funny! Yes, we mean you! I'm Emma Heath, and this is-" The blonde said with a smile.

The other girl covered Emma's mouth. "I can introduce myself, thanks. I'm Tamara Reid." The brunette said, with a small smile, uncovering the other girl's mouth.

"I-I'm Maebelle Evans..." The long raven haired young woman said.

"A-And then they just sat down and we started talking from there...! It was a lot of fun!" Mae said with a soft smile. The male just gave her a blank stare. "What?" The girl asked, tilting her head.

"Doesn't that seem suspicious? When you're sitting alone, and they just want to...sit with you?" Lloyd asked.

"Huh? If you think they were acting like Kristina and Angelica, they weren't. Emma and Tamara were sweet, and had kind expressions. They were different from Kristina and Angelica, I promise." The raven haired young woman said.

"For all you know they could've been in the Onyx Organization." The male said with a sigh.

"They're not. At least, I know Tamara isn't." The female replied.

"Huh?" The light green eyed male asked, confused.

"She asked me to join her in the Gym after school for a bit of exercise, I said sure, and Emma couldn't make it, because she had work. When Tamara and I went into the locker room she picked a locker near mine. You can assume what happened then." The pale girl said.

"You're a pervert." Lloyd said, his expression blank.

"Not like that! We were just talking, that's all!" Mae said, her face flushed pink. "And I didn't see a tattoo... so, that's good, right?"

"Yeah, fine. I don't care." He said, his eyes showed annoyance, and Mae could see it.

He's acting like a child, what is up with him? Her dark blue eyes then widened in surprise when she thought of a reason. Ah...! Wait a second, this is a long shot with Lloyd, but...

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