Training and Waking up

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Izuku slowly opened his eyes, as he looked around he realized he appeared to be in some sort of throne room. Everything was decked in white and gold. As he looked up he saw a golden throne, surrounding it were golden pillars with some sort of light blue flames. On the throne was a man, he had long whiteish blue hair that went down to his mid back, with two gold horns on his head. On his forehead was a blue 9 Tomoe Rinnesharingan. He looked down at himself and realized he had a new Kāma seal. On his right hand was his regular Kāma, however on his left intertwining with his moon seal was a white diamond, he tried activating his Kāma and to his surprise it activated, as he looked at his reflection in the clear white floor.

 On his right hand was his regular Kāma, however on his left intertwining with his moon seal was a white diamond, he tried activating his Kāma and to his surprise it activated, as he looked at his reflection in the clear white floor

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Imagine that's Izuku, and the Kāma seal is on his left hand. Izuku looked as he activated his other Kāma as a his familiar black Kāma appeared as the two Kāma's appeared next to each other on his head. "Hello Izuku." Said the man, his voice was loud and held authority. Cautiously Izuku turned to the man. "Who are you and where are we?" Asked Izuku as the mans smile still held brightly as he answered "Well you are my reincarnation or a better answer is my vessel per say except I won't be taking over your body, instead I'll be preparing you take over my clan, and beat my brother if he becomes a problem. Ah yes I almost forgot to introduce myself. I am Dios, the currentish head of The Otsutsuki, and I want you to be my successor, if you accept I will train you in my powers and I promise you won't ever have to worry about what happened last time." As he said that Izuku remembered Jigen and what he was about to do, and then as if he was watching a movie, he watched as this Dios man took over his body, and Incinerate Jigen with the same flames that were around the throne. Now while most people would have immediately accepted he weighed his options. Is more power nessesscarily good? How can I trust him? How can I know he won't take over my body- actually if he wanted to take over my body he would have been able to easily. I only have more to gain, so I'll trust him. After 2 more minutes of this, he looked the pupil less man in the eyes and replied "I accept Mister Dios." He stated with confidence as you saw Dios crack a smile. "Alright from now on its Sensei Dios, with that being said, let's start your training for the next 10000 years." He said with a chuckle at Izukus confused face. "I should probably qualify 1000 years in your mind scape is 1 day in the real world, now chop chop, time is being wasted!" He said as he lead Izuku to a door, and much to his surprise their was a large area of trees and grass. In the back a large waterfall, with a larger river. In front of it was 3 wooden logs, with a assortment of weapons next to it. Their was 10 Practice swords, 200 Senbon, 200 Kunai and 100 black rods? As Izuku looked over the weapons he heard Dios say to him. "Alright Izuku we will start with weapons training, then move to sword techniques, after that we will move onto abilites, mastering those abilities, and then you will make you own moves with those abilites. Finally we will spar, then you will go to the real world. This will all be done in the span of 10000 Years, begin!" Said Dios as Izuku began practicing throwing different weapons.

1st Millennium-
Izuku Brought a new term to the words Mastery, as He mastered Senbon and Kunai, able to hit all vital points in 1 second, as well as while moving at immense speeds, and while jumping/flying, his accuracy became dead on.

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