Chapter 1 "out on a adventure"

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Most of this book will always be in Tommy's POV

Is this thing on?
I think so
Hello to anyone to hears this I'm recording this message on a tape recorder so if I die hopefully someone will find this and live longer then I did.

My name is Tommy

It's been a couple years now since the apocalypse started and I still know very little about how it started in the first place but I have absorbed myself in my research trying to find answers. luckily because of that and surviving these past years I've grown to know more and more about these.... Creatures...

I wanted to share this information with anyone who hears this so if you meet one of these things you know what your dealing with.

Trust me you can thank me later.

are very easy to kill but be careful they can spot you from a mile away and some are smarter then others but luckily they burn in the sunlight so I think you will be fine. There's baby zombies as well but I'd try and stay clear from those there quicker so it's harder to swing at them and they don't burn in the sunlight like the adult ones do.

are a little tricky though they have bows with quivers on there back filled to the brim with arrows but the strange thing is they never run out it's almost like they have some sort of magic that gives them unlimited arrows but anyway if you're good a Dodging Killing them should be a piece of cake they also burn in the sun as well so that's a plus.

If you are of afraid spiders I'm sorry but you fear just got worse these spiders are as big as a three year olds and boy do they know how to pounce on you but in the daytime there not so hostile. So as long as you don't hit them them pretty peaceful in the day time

If you see a no armed green four legged creature coming towards you I suggest you run and don't look back these things when they get to close to you will explode so unless you're good with a bow I suggest you stay away from them I like to call them creepers because you don't know there there until you hear the sound of them about to blow up behind you

I don't much about these but I do know that you mustn't look at there eyes there very tall and hate eye to eye contact if you ever look one in it's eyes I suggest finding the closest pond or something near you for these things cant go into the water

Well that's all I can say for now I'm running out of room in this tape please take this information to heart if you ever find this and don't take any risks

Tommy out


After that I turned off the tape recorder taking the tape out and putting it in my bag i sighed thinking there are survivors in this hellhole is worse then wondering if pigs could fly But it never hurt anyone to wonder.

I start look in my back noticing I have nothing to eat damn I must have ate all my food either that or the wolves got to my rations again.

Meh what ever I needed to get out of this little camp anyway it's a bad idea to stay in one place for to long so I started heading my tent to get everything ready.
_____________time skip_____________

Coming out of my tent I sighed stretching my muscles I caught a glance of the old watch on my wrist I froze remembering the incident as I wondering if I was strong enough if could have save them....No..... right now isn't the time to be thinking like that i  shook my head and started on my way not looking back at the now abandoned campsite walking into the woods.

_____________time skip___________
(Again but this is a small one don't worry)

I've been walking for a little while tightly hold my dagger listening closely to the woods around me seeing if anything would try a pounce on me suddenly I heard something in the shadows I quickly climbed to the top of a tree that was near and waited as I did I saw a rabbit come out of hiding I quietly got ready to pounce as I waited for the right time Suddenly I heard a groan come from the bushes causing the rabbit to look in the direction of the sound and run away

Welp there goes my food now I need to find something else to eat thanks a lot you damn zombie

I sighed sitting on the tree branch disappointed of how I just lost my dinner to a zombie

Whatever it not night I guess I can look around a little longer

And with thank I was back on the hunt jumping from tree to tree (naruto head the fuck ass-) but it wasn't long before I saw something up ahead would make sense thought this is a big forest i silent got closer....

It was a deer!

Man thanks zombie you might scared the rabbit away but now I'm eating deer for dinner!
Haven't gotten this lucky in a while.
I smiled starring at the deer it seems to not have noticed me so I waited
And waited
Still waiting...
Suddenly the deer just decided to take a nap FINALLY the dude was just standing there do who know how long so with that i waiting until it was asleep.

After I knew the deer was asleep I silently got down from the tree slowly making my way to the deer throat slicing it the minute I got close enough killing the deer instantly I smiled then check the time not paying attention to the little voices that started to sprout in my head


I think I should set up camp soon

And with that I started to dissect the deer taking the parts I need leaving the organs and the other gross shit to what ever animal that finds it after I finished I wrapped it all in a big peace of cloth I had (stfu don't ask how he got that it's like five in the morning)

Throwing it over my shoulder I started walking just a little I didn't want to smell rotting deer organs when I woke up and they will probably attract zombies as well so that mean no zombies tonight after getting some distance I set up camp making a fire and a little hut how of what was around me (Tommy you be playing to many survival games I just-)
Cooking the deer meat having my meal I save the skin I got from the dead because I knew that was gonna be useful so I placed my things in a tree lace no one could get to unless they were smart enough after getting my sleeping back out my bag 

Ill continue my hunt from a village of some sort tomorrow

I though I soon then let sleep take over my body

(I cut it short again it like 5 sumthin in da morning man I'm tired and I got school😔✋)

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