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It about April 2012, i was watching tv. I suddenly got very nauseaus and thought i was going to be sick. After that happened twise, i felt compleatly fine, so i went to bed that night 100% good. Then i woke up around midnight, and had the same thing, but it happened every 20 minutes that night.

It was the worst thing to go through. But i thought nothing of it. After about two months i got the same thing again, so my Mum rang up the doctor. The doctor told me i had an ear problem, and i needed to do a special sequence to get it back to normal.

"You may feel very nausea's and you may even be sick" She told me. And that is how my fear started.

Later that day we did the procedure, and i didnt even feel nauseas or be sick. But the procedure did make me feel better. Once the week had passed i had the same "illness" again. But it was different. Tgis time i knew that it wasnt my ear. So i typed in my symptons into google.

heart pounding, nauseas, tummy ache, sweating, shivering, adrenaline. All of the symptons for an anxiety attack

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2013 ⏰

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