Entry 2

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Entry 2: May 1

Training begins immediately. I get the last day of school off, and then, the next day, today, they're back to squeezing me dry, using every last drop of me to fulfill their needs. However, something has definitely changed in these last few summers. Everything is more intense. 

Especially this summer, even though it's only the first day.

Today began with a test at sharply six o'clock in the morning. They analyzed what I must work on to achieve my "full potential", and then created a regime I must follow.

Father said I'll bloom this year.

I didn't know what to make of that.

Anyways, after the test, they started whatever they deduced needed to happen.

I haven't quite figured it out why yet, but they attached these devices to my feet. There are spikes where my heels would normally go, so I must lift myself and stay on my toes. Every step I take, the metal rings loudly makes me wince from the noise. I hate being so detectable; it feels like walking around naked.

There are also small hot plates beneath the balls of my feet. I avoid placing pressure on them because of it, and although it's not too horribly hot, the longer my feet are on it the worse the heat gets. 

The maids took the contraption off my feet when night came with a small key, the keyhole on the back of my ankles. I can only feel relief for this night, however, because the next morning the maids will immediately strap it to my feet once again.

The doctor said I will keep them on for two weeks, and after that, they will take it off as long as I stick to a minimum of 7,500 steps a day.

That means walking around the manor aimlessly for hours. 

At least the garden is beautiful.

A Wish || Bokuto x Akaashi [REDONE 2024]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora