Dasi cafe

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another boring day dasi crawls through the prickly fence and walks to a abandoned cafe. she hangs out there while talking to some fellow fairies. She stared through the blank woods hoping the sun would shine on her today. she wanted her new flowered to bloom for the hang out! she peaked through the trees and sees a fairy reading the same novel as her. "O-ow!" she screams stepping in a very prickly stick. the boy walks up to her and puts his book down. he offers to help her up, her flustered face made him regret helping her but he had a heart. She stands up and says "Hi! my name is Dasi" she smiles with her full potential and he mutters back "hi i'm jako.." Dasi began to smile and then looks down at his novel. He nervously moves the book to his back and smiled she smiled back."what are you doing here?" says jako. "I've always wanted to own a cafe of my own so i came her everyday" said dasi "Oh! i have similar reasons as well!" said jako They exchange one last smile before they depart until tomorrow.
Dasi wakes up in her flower bed and her wings feel very sore. she heads downstairs to have some pollen toast as well with some lake water. she sat at the table with her mother as the both began to finish there breakfast. Dasi was eager to see if her new friend was at the spot! so she grabbed her green dress and head out the door. she walks to the cafe holding 3 novels and her Ephone. She sits down waiting until she here's a sudden noise.

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