Opening day!

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Dasi just remembered the other day she met jako. and now she has met a bunch of friends! she always wondered if she would ever make friends... or even more then friends... She decided that she would head over to the cafe. Only this day her wings were even more sore. she felt as she could walk but she still did. she thought it was just the stress from the cafe so she walked it off. she head to the cafe to see everyone eating breakfast and jako cooking in a tiny grill. "Good morning guys!!" says dasi "Good morning! where were you?" Says brooklyn. dasi very flustered decides to skip her soreness and just said she had to walk her butterfly. "Well we made some more money for the stove and microwave" Speaking of money dasi had made 50 more coins. So she exclaimed "Oh yeah i earned some more money to buy a blender and a rice maker!" They all genuinely smiled and decided to put the stove in the corner the microwave on the shelf. The last blender and rice cooker they just put in the cabinet! So they started to sweep and put up pictures. They needed to have roles..
Jako: waiter
it was perfect! now they are very happy to finish the cafe. it was getting late so they decided to fly back to there houses. Dasi fell over and tumbled on the floor. Jako flew down and helped her up. her wings started to fade. jako grabs his jacket and puts it in her. "What happened!" jako says her half asleep doesn't answer. so he takes her into his house and lays her on the couch. when she wakes up she sees jako making tea. she decides she has to tell him about her wings.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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