new girl

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school has just stated. i am the new girl so shy and don't know where anyone is.

first period for me is history. i have no clue where to go. i hear a teacher yell at me "HURRY UP YOU THICC BITCH CLASS STARTS IN 5" i shaky say "s-s-s-sorry i'm new" "ok and??" the teacher yells

i cutly walk around with my fingers in my nose trying to find my class. "WTF IS MY CLASS SHIT" i yell. "ew wtf are you" i see a green sexy beast with horns staring at me

"i'm the new girly lol sorry idk where to go sometimes i can be quirky "

"you literally have a school map to show where to go you dumb bitch"

i start to get nervous. "a-a-n-n-d-d-d?" i say cutly

"follow me you stupid idiot"

"that's hot" i tel him "my name is emily"

"basic ass bitch" i hear him whisper under his breath . "im shrek"

i try to hold his hand but he doesn't like that so he kicks me down the hall. "i love a strong man shreky" i say cutly as i pee.

"come here " shrek says hotly

it's a closet . does he want babies with me how romantic?

"get in here you rat" he shoves me in the closet. "are you gey?" i ask him ? "no" he says but it sounds fake!


he then locks the closet and eats me . i die.

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