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If one of them loses their humanity, they all fall...

If one of them marches forward, they all follow...

Have you ever been in a situation where you don't know what to do so you just blurt something out? For those who still have what makes them special, now they are different. Whether their individuality comes from their humor, intelligence, speed, strength, skills, etc., it still makes them, well, them... If they are faced in a difficult situation, they do not falter, they persevere through it, this is true for those who are unlucky, those who are blinded by their so called "justic", "The people who go against the way things are", they are called "evil", "Those who keep order in the world", those people are known as the "good guys". This ideal has existed for many years, but who says this way is right? THOSE WHO COME OUT ON TOP DECIDE WHAT IS GOOD AND WHAT IS NOT, ONLY THOSE WHO WIN WILL DECIDE THE FATE OF THIS CRUEL AND TWISTED WORLD... There are those who stand out in society because they are special, they have things that others dont such as a will to protect those who cannot protect themselves, such is the fate of this world... After becoming an adult, most people would lose what makes them special and just fit in with society. For some people who still have what makes them special, they hide away from those who try to make them "perfect" or "normal" For those who have lost their individuality, the ideals of "perfect" and "normal" for them means to fit in. Most parents are blind to what they are doing and are not aware that they are throwing away their child's individuality which makes a child who they are, molding and shaping them into a blank slate that does what they are told...

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