Chapter 3: Everlasting memories

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Authors note: This is a descriptive paragraph on the guardians and offerings and such. See I told you guys I wouldn't leave you in the dark with this, anyway enjoy!
When I was a baby my parents gave me my gaurdian Travis which happened to be my favorite animal a panda. When a child turns five he or she receives a gaurdian, an animal spirit of thier personalities and traits. They also riecieve thier offering, an extraordinary gift or attribute based on again thier personality and characteristics. My gaurdian was given to me at the age of four just like Kai. We were different we were supposed to get our gaurdian at five not four. Our parents said it would connect us with or guardians with a special bond. My domain or biome is the forest and Kai's is the jungle.
I once heard stories from my parents about some people having more than one guardian and more than one biome and offering. Those people were known as "The Nourished". They had the ability to create more than one guardian.
I had also heard stories of one special Nourished known as "The Everlasting Memory" they had the ability to create anything from their mind at will and use it at will. They also had the ability to steal other people guardians and traits. They could also erase the memories of enemies and fill them with new ones at will. Hence the name Everlasting Memory which is quite ironic due to the fact that they could erase memories from a person. The last ability they had was that they could transform into an animal of their choosing. Though extraordinary in power the Everlasting Memory was small in numbers because there was only to be two every lifetime. The last two vanished without a trace and we're not seen again a few years back and along with the Nourished, mine and Kai's parents.
By now it should be time to get back to reality but before I go I should inform you of the last spiritual being, "The Devourer", an uncontrollable beast that no one could withstand but the Everlasting Memories together. Thay had the mind length strong enough to befriend the beast as long as they were alive.
But now that the Everlasting Memories were gone there was no one to stand in the way of the Devourer and its path of destruction before the two left our world they cast an enchantment on the beast to go under a deep sleep for ten years. Since then the planet has been searching for the next two, hoping to get a clue to their whereabouts.
Whoever they are it's mine and Kai's job to find them and our parents...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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