When you accidently slept with a psycho and he gets obsessed with you pt 1

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Sitting on the chair he examined the naked girl placed on the table with her hands cuffed. He gently stood up from his chair and went closer to her, he traced his finger on her jawline before speaking

Jungkook: what a slut you are, completely satisfied my needs and now you'll satisfy my desire 

He started playing with her hair. In the meanwhile the girl woke-up and saw his face near her. She tried to kiss him but he placed his finger on her lip and moved a little aside giving her the sight of the room she's in now

The minute her eyes met the blood stained room she panicked and tried to get up but she couldn't since her hands are cuffed with the table

Girl: please remove this please...don't do this to me...let me go....please

He smirked before moving closer to her

Jungkook: why are you struggling now? Yesterday you were so ready to be handcuffed and what happened now huh??

She cried aloud and called for help while jungkook just laughed like a manic before continuing

Jungkook: shout as much as you want, its just making my desire to slit your throat even more

He slowly walked towards a table where all types of knifes are placed. He slowly traced his fingers on each knife and then stopped at one knife and picked it

He brought the knife towards her while his evil smirk not leaving his face. Once he was near her he laughed again before placing the knife on her chest near her heart

Jungkook: do you know how much pleasure i get if i cut you right here, I'll get more pleasure than what i had few hours before while fucking you. But I'm not going to do that right away, first I'm going to cut this throat right in the middle and then bring it down to your chest and then to your stomach while you'll keep begging me to stop

Girl: no no no please don't, what did i do to you please leave me

She begged him more with tears running down while he simply enjoyed watching her

Jungkook: its just that I'm obsessed with torturing the sluts who throw themselves on me, it kind of gives me pleasure you know and you throwed yourself on me yesterday and that's why you are here now

He said before placing the knife on her throat

Girl: please don't please i beg you please....

While she kept begging him he started doing what he just said, he started making cut on her throat and slide the knife down to her chest. The girl started shouting as she couldn't bear the pain and she raised her chest making the knife stab right in the middle causing jungkook to let out a groan out of disappointment

Blood started dripping down from the table while the girl started loosing her consciousness and jungkook on the other hand stood there in disappointment. He wasn't satisfied, he didn't get any pleasure it ended too soon. He grabbed his hair out of frustration

Jungkook: what a waste, now i have to find another slut... i thought she will be enough for this week... arghhh


Y/n: yahhh mirae give me that... I'm warning you

You shouted at your sister who's playing with your mobile

Mirae: first tell me one thing do you like the guy that our parent have choosen for you?

Y/n: if i say I don't what you'll do?

You questioned back while looking into her eyes directly

Mirae: y/n, he is a good guy why you don't like him? He's handsome... he's caring.... he's rich

Y/n: the you marry him okay

You said and sat on the bed with a heavy sigh

Mirae: what can i do y/n-ah our parent has accepted him as your soon to be husband

Y/n: but I didn't accept him, I don't want this marriage you people are forcing me

Mirae: you'll love him once you get married to him he's such a nice guy after all

Y/n: you people are telling me the same thing repeatedly, I'm going the one who's getting married and not you people. You all will never understand what i feel

Mirae: we can't do anything now so let's get up and get ready we have to go somewhere

Y/n: where you want to go now.... I'm not coming anywhere I'm tired

Mirae: yah come on its your birthday lets celebrate it, we are going to club

Y/n: no I'm not interested. I'm not coming if you want you go

You said while waving your hand at her

Mirae: no you are coming with me now lift your lazy ass from the bed and get ready

She said as she started dragging you from the bed while you started whining


You were sitting on the couch while looking at you sister who is dancing with a unknown guy for the past fifteen minutes

You sighed and took a gulp of your drink and shifted you gaze to the other side of the club, your eyes met a guy who is entering into the club. Taking another shot of your drink you looked at the guy again but then got startled when his eyes met yours, you got embarrassed and looked at you lap

You slowly lifted your head and looked at the guy... you got chocked on your own saliva when you saw the guy looking at you while smirking

You gulped and started taking shot after shot of your drink after sometime you felt yourself getting high, the alcohol started taking over you

You touched your head and groaned while trying to stand up from the couch but you fell back on the couch each time you tried to stand up. After trying for some time you finally stood up and started making your way towards the restroom but then you got stumbled on your way and fell down on someone's lap while closing your eyes

You felt that person's hand wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer to him before bringing his face near you. You slowly opened your eyes to look at the person and your eyes got widened when you noticed that he was the same guy who smirked at you few minutes before, the same guy whom you were looking at

Bringing his face closer to your ear he slightly licked it before whispering

Jungkook: what babygirl are you that desperate for me??

His husky voice literally sent chills down your spine and your body started getting heated. You placed your hand on his chest and looked at him while biting your lips

He placed his thumb on you lower lip releasing it from your teeth before saying

Jungkook: leave this for me baby

Then he started tracing his finger on your jawline before placing the wet kisses on your neck making you moan then he stopped kissing you with a peck atlast before saying

Jungkook: let's take this to the room


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