chapter two

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Yes that's right, Pete is back in my life. Actually, mine and Niall's life. 

Last week he showed up at our frontdoor, saying he was 'so sorry for ever saying things to me, or even touching me' but Niall said he doesn't trust him at all. I don't trust him either actually. After everything he has done to me I won't accept his apologie just like this. He has to proof that he has changed and that he is being honest about being sorry. 

Until he proves that he genuinly is sorry I will never believe a word he says. 

''Mommy can me and Emma go with uncle Louis and get some sweets?'' Kian whined, yanking my arm. 

''Uhm of course you can sweetie, stay close to uncle Louis okay?'' I picked him up and spun him around, when I put him back on the floor I gave him a big hug and he ran off to get Emma. 

Finally some alone time. 

I had barely had any alone time since I married Niall. Talking about Niall, where is he? 

Ah he's probably in the garden playing soccer with Harry and Zayn.

I put on my favorite sweats and pulled my hair in a messy bun on thetop of my head. I got my make-up off and sat down on the sofa with a blanket in front of the TV.

There is nothing fun on. There never is.

 I picked up my phone from the side table and checked my messages and mentions on twitter. I got some new followers, some of the daily hate tweets and I had a message. 

The message was from a twitter account with an egg as icon but the twittername gave me goosebumps. 


I can't remember following him? I checked the message because I was wondering if it was the real Pete, my Pete.

 'Meet me at Hyde Park at the band stand at 11.11pm tonight, you better come or else....' 

That was all the message said. Nothing more, no other messages either. Just that one simple message. 

I had no idea why but I really wanted to go there tonight. Just to see if he would keep his word about being changed. 

autors note ; i know i know short stuff but it was idk 3 months since i last updated this story and i was just so focused on 16 and pregnant that i didnt pay attention to this one anymore im so sorry! more frequent updates coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2013 ⏰

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