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Junseo: not yet why?

Daehyeon: I have it's really good.

Donghan: I watched after watching NCT Dream's Hot Sauce again.

Yohan: if someone told me to pick between them both I wouldn't be able to. They are both good in their own way. But I'm not gonna lie I enjoyed NCT Dream a bit more because it's their first full album and Mark is back since 2018.

Yongha: I think both was respectably good. I would never be able to pick between a group and another group.

Author: hey guys.

Seokhwa: hey Jiwoo

Junseo: hello.

Daehyeon: did you have anything to say?

Author: yeah I did. So dear readers of any of my books, I'm so so sorry for not updating these past three months have been difficult. College is coming to an end and I have two assignments that need to be in before college ends. I've been physically and mentally drained, I literally have no strength to do anything, so I'm trying my absolute best to get some updates done by next week. If not I will keep trying to get my books updated because I feel bad for keeping you all waiting. But I do have a few books that was supposed to be released but that didn't happen. Once again I'll try and get them released on. Thank you for the wait.

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