chapter 1

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Jc's POV:

"Jc! Come get your clothes from down here!" I hear my my mom scream as I take out my earbuds and close my laptop.

"What?" I yell back, pretending I didn't hear the first time. I hear her foot prints come up the stairs and stand in front of my door.

There's a slight knock, "Jc, we need to talk about this." I hear my mom say as she opens the door slowly and takes a step in.

She's holding a basket, one with all my dirty clothes in it. She looks at me, raises her eyebrows and takes a seat on the edge of my bed.

"I know it's been hard these months with your dad...dying-" I clench up by the sound of her saying that, "really mom, I know. You don't have to tell me everyday." She sighs and places the basket on the floor by my bed.

"All I'm saying is I need your help around here, you have to become the tough guy in the house for your sister and I. You can't keep leaving it a mess, your father wouldn't like that." Her eyebrows make a sad expression, yet her eyes stay dry.

"Okay mom..I'll try." She forces a smile and puts her hand on mine, she mouths the words "thank you" and just stares at me with her sad eyes. You can tell she's holding back a river full of tears, trying to make the pain stay in.

I know she went through more than I did and I really don't know how she feels, it's probably ten times worse than what I feel and felt.

She finally comes back to reality and leaves my room silently. When she exits, I lay back wondering..what could have changed that night.

Dylan's POV:

I heard my mom and Jc talking in his room, probably about my dad. I open my door a crack and peek out, all of a sudden I hear a crash from Jc's room. I step in the hall and walk up to his door..I give a tiny knock and try to open it. Once I turn the doorknob, a strong force pushes it closed again. "Go away," I hear Jc say as I step back. "I know how it're not the only one that's hurting..." I say quietly through the crack in the side of the door. "I don't want to here that crap Dyl, I'm done." There was a moment of quietness until I moved to go back to my room.

Awhile later I walk to the kitchen to get a snack, Jc's sitting on the counter with his laptop. He has that thing everywhere he goes, inside the house and out. "What are you doing?" I ask, trying to keep it from being awkward. Jc and I have kind of been separated since my dad died, like the connection between us broke.

"Just looking at tumblr feed." I open the fridge and pulled out a mini chocolate Nesquik milkshake. "Oh..that's cool." I went around the kitchen counter and took a seat next to him.

"By the way, Ricky and Kian are coming over later to shoot a video." I shake up my shake and take a sip of it. "You know it's already eight right?" He picks up my milkshake and takes a sip of it, "Aye!" I say taking it from his mouth.

"Well..if I had my own place it would be a normal thing." He says not noticing the fact he drank from my bottle.

I chuckle, "sure, if you can pay for the apartment."

He looks at me and back at his computer, "sorry..." I say looking down.

"It's fine, I might move in with Kian though," He looks at me quickly. "Wait, maybe you can move in with us..and then mom can get a single apartment. That would save so much money."

He looks at me with serious eyes, "wait you're not kidding? I can't move in with two other guys..that would be weird." I say as he makes a squinted face at me, "I'm your brother.. it's not like I'm a totally random stranger you found on the street, anyways it would be a fun experience unless your gonna be annoying..." He looks at his computer screen and raises his eyebrows.

"Um! I am not annoying, I only get annoying when you have your junk out and run around the house like your a freakin horse." I giggle.

"I only did that once! and it was for a video," he said as he chuckles and closes his computer screen "but seriously Dylan, it would save mom a ton of money..just think about it." I get up, "wait, wouldn't Kian be wierded out?" I say as I pick up a apple. "Um, you're a girl..and girls have hot friends, trust me he would want you to."

He walks out, that was the first actual conversation we had in months.

I would really want to have my own apartment, but the difference is I'm living with two boys. I guess they could have some hot friends too...

Jc's POV:

I guess having my sister in my apartment wouldn't be that bad. We haven't really been close these months and I kind of want to bring that connection back with her.

I mean, it wouldn't be that weird. We would probably go out and she would have some friends over, when we got home there would be girls right in front of us.

The only bad part is I can't be naked running around the apartment, well I mean, I can since Dylan and I have seen eachother naked since birth.. that counts right?

Jc's Little Sister (Kian and Jc Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt