chapter 3

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I wake up, my laptop on one side of me and my phone on the other. I rub my eyes and stretch my arms from under my blankets.

Slowly I get up and look around. Suddenly I hear glass break in the kitchen.

My heart stops for a millisecond.

I take a deep breath and pull my covers off. My hairs a mess, naughty yet still pin strait. I guess it's because I barely moved when I slept last night.

I open my door and quickly step to the kitchen. As I turn the corner, I see pieces of glass spread all over the floor. Kian's bent town picking up the bigger pieces with his fingers.

I take a step- "Dylan, don't come over here." I hear Kian quickly say. He looks at me and bits his lips.

"I'm so sorry, it slipped." He says while wiping his forehead.

"Don't worry about it," I say while slipping on a pair of boots a few feet away from me. I walk over and squat next to him.

He sighs.

"Kian really, it's fine. Did you sleep here?" I ask while helping him pick up the big pieces.

"Yea, I crashed on the couch." He throws the pieces from his hand in the garbage.

"Did my mom see you when she got home? We don't have school right now, but she has work everyday. I feel bad for her." He stops picking them up and looks at me.

"Yea, she didn't care. But, that's why you kind of don't have a choice to live with me and Jc. Youtube gives me money for making videos and Jc and I are making our own channel, I asked him since he doesn't make any from his. Your mom's working way too hard."

I look at him, trying to hold back tears. Instead they come rolling down my cheeks.

"I feel like everything's my fault.." I say over the sadness in my mind and out.

Kian stands and holds his hand out for me to grab. I place the glass pieces on the ground and grab his hand. He puts his hand over my shoulder, pulling me into a hug. Instead of pushing away, I hug him tight.

"Don't worry, Dylan. It's not your fault, if anything it's mine for breaking that glass." He chuckles, his chin resting on my head. I laugh over my water-filled eyes. He just hugs me for awhile. Kian has always been there, hes been like a best friend. Over the past five years, so this isn't weird.

Once all the tears are out of my body, I wipe my eyes and step back. All I see is Kian's shirt soaked from my tears. I cover my mouth and point.

"Sorry," I start to say, "you can borrow another shirt if you want."

He looks down. "I guess, but I'm not saying I was uncomfortable while you were crying. Just now because this shirt is sticking to my skin."

We both laugh.

"Stay here, I'll be right back." I say as I walk backwards down the hall. I open Jc's door without a squeak and quietly yet quickly look for a shirt in his room. I find a normal size one that why probably fit Kian, once I'm done I slide out and meet Kian back at the kitchen.

"Found one," I say as I hand him the black t-shirt, "you can change in-"

He lifts up his shirt, "or here, that's fine actually.." I say.

He probably has an eight pack. I want to check, but my eyes are focused on his eyes. Outside I probably look perfectly normal, inside..well let's just say there's a lot going on in there.

"Thanks." He says, looking at me.

"Yea..mhm..sure.." I say forcing my eyes to stay up at his. Once he puts it all the way on he takes out his phone and reads the time.


"Fuck! uh, sorry I didn't mean to curse but I promised my mom I would help her find a house. You know, since my dad died and everything." He turns around and grabs his coat hanging off the chair in the kitchen. I stood there for a minute,

"Kian... I'm so sorry I didn't kn-"

He opens the door, "it's fine, but thanks for letting me sleep here." He looks at me with a slight smile, but I knew he was sad inside.

"Yea, anytime.." I watch him leave and walk in the kitchen to clean the rest of the broken glass up.

Sorry this was really short! I deleted my apps and forgot to get wattpad, more coming really soon! It's gonna be really good :)


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