Beneath the Skies

53 13 1

Morning came
But everything's the same
I kept on calling your name
But it's quiet, such a shame


Where'd you go?
God's the only one who knows
Did you go to her?
Well, I know the answer


It's been years
I know you're tired
That's one of my fears
You're all I desired


You're the one who inspired
But what can I do if you're tired?
Let's just in this in a blink 
I don't want to engage on a brink


Even I don't want this
But I don't have a choice
Let the feelings dismiss
Contain my heart's noise


Let's not drag this further
I felt light as a feather
I face you nervously
I'm trying to hold my thoughts internally


'Are you sure?', you asked
I nodded, I just want to end this fast
'How can you do this despite our past?'
Is it my fault that your feelings couldn't last?


Thanks for the memories
All I can do is made stories
In the past, there was once you and I
Beneath the skies
Now I'm looking at you, smiling through your eyes


How lucky I am to be part of your past
Surprising how time pass by so fast
I see you waiting in the aisle
Waiting with a smile


Not for me but for her
No, I'm not that bitter
I'm happy seeing you happy
A tear left in my eyes
Beneath the skies, there was once you and I

However in the end there is only I
Now, I'm happy looking at you beneath the blue skies

Beneath the Skies

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