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Sofia's POV

It has been 3 years since I graduated from RPA and I'm now 15. I am also now going to the Aloriea Academy for gifted royals. They teach young royals skills they need to rule a kingdom and they also teach all kinds of sports. The school is one of the very best across every kingdom and is located on an island. I do miss my family thought because I haven't seen them in 3 years, my school is on the other side of the world so I don't see them at all.

In the school, you have to have been there for at least 3 years before you can visit family. This is so you learn more and don't get distracted with visiting family. It's worked for me so far. I'm mean sure I miss them, but with all we're learning here, I haven't really thought about them. Royals are only accepted at the age of 12 and their studies end at 18, when they return to their kingdoms to help rule or possibly take over"

Because amber is the oldest and heir to the throne, I have to marry to become queen. And James is becoming a knight so he won't have to worry about ruling a kingdom. Since I've been here for three years I'm allowed to leave for the summer. I was in my pjs packing my bags, after I was done I picked out my dress it was long and made of purple and black sparkly fabric. It had a cut out by my chest and long sleeves that puff out at the wrists.

I brought my bags to the ship and got on with other students, I quickly found the library where my best friend Isabelle was reading. How we met was actually pretty interesting. A wizard who turned himself into a book told me, as I was the story keeper, about Elena's story and I went to free her from my amulet. I sailed to Avalor with my family and once I freed her, we freed her family from a portrait.

That's when I met Isabelle, together, the whole kingdom took down the evil sorceress that was ruling avalor. We're going to visit her family for some time then we're gonna go visit my family for the rest of the time. "Isa!" I yelled softly, her head shot up from her book and her face lit up. "sof!" she whispers yells back, Isa jumps and pulls me into a hug. I laugh and return the gesture.

We pulled away "I'm so excited" I nod in agreement "me too!". I take a look at her dress. It was beautiful! It was a light pastel blue with gold beaded accents around the chest area. The skirt was an ombré of blue to white fabric with a slightly darker blue train. Her sleeves were see through tool that draped down around her elbows.

By the time the ship stopped at the avalor docks, me and Isa were bouncing excitedly on our heels. We quickly grabbed our luggage and descended down the ramp. We were met with Elena and her friends, along with the towns people who cheered at our arrival. Isa ran and threw her arms around Elena's torso, the sisters cried as they held their embrace.

I walked over and greeted Elena's friends. They were pretty nice. Once the sisters reunion was done, me and isa switched places. I went and hugged Elena while isa greeted the others. Elena hugged me as though I was also her sister. It made me miss amber, my own sister.

The carriage ride to the castle was full of catching up and waving to the villagers. A maid showed us to our rooms and we got freshened up. It was nice to be around them all and have familiar people to talk to about all the crazy adventures. That night me and isa stayed up all night, talking about how long we'd be staying for.

We came up with the decision to stay for one and a half months, and spend the other half of the three months at my family's castle. We didn't stay up much longer after we came to that choice.

1/2 months later

Today was the day we were leaving avalor to my kingdom, enchancia, and I was full of energy. We spent the morning having fun in town before me and isa went back to get ready. We met the others at the docks, where our boat was waiting to take us to enchancia. After a long goodbye, we boarded the ship and we're taken to our rooms.

They were connected by the bathroom and were very nice. Isa decided to sleep the entire journey, meanwhile I was finishing up on a new dress I started a few weeks prior. I planned to wear it when we arrive. Isa finished hers last night just so she could nap the day away. I hummed as I worked, being careful with the sharp needle in my hand as I stitched the skirt.

About three hours in my hands started to cramp so I decided it was time for a much needed break. I headed to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich for lunch. The rest of the time was spent working on the dress, reading, and taking a good king nap after I'd finally finished the dress. Isa had woken up and went to read a book just as I had face planted onto the couch and curled up in the soft blankets.

Isa woke me up in an exited voice shouting that we were there and shaking me so much I almost hurled. We got changed at the speed of light and fixed our hair. Mine had grown over the years and was now at my lower back. Isabelle's is just longer than mine by a couple inches. I also changed my shoes to more comfy ones because we had a lot of walking to do.

Me and isa had decided that we would walk to the castle to see everything and how it's changed. The scenery was nice and the breeze countered the hot weather nicely, saving us from baking alive. By the time we arrived isa was complaining that we should have just taken a carriage. I reminded her that this was her idea in the first place, she suggested it.

As we entered the castle we got blasted by cool air. I shivered while isa sighed contentedly. I roll my eyes. There's so many new paintings. I notice a family picture, a more recent one as it does not have me in it. Amber and James look so much more grown up. I smile softly. We continue on our way, searching the rooms as we go.

I stop at my old room. I open the door and get a rush if nostalgia. Everything was the same, not even a speck of dust. I guess the maids still clean it. Isa goes and jumps on my bed. Even the sheets were the same, but washed thankfully. "Come on isa, we have to find my family" she rolls her eyes but races out of the room. I follow after her with one last look at the room.

Isa silently calls me over, saying she found them. She stood at the door of the ballroom. "There's other people besides your family in there" she whispered. I nod. "We'll just walk in" she agrees and we prepare ourselves. We each push a door open and everyone stops the look at us. I notice some of my friends form RPA, including my family.

My heart got caught in my throat as I notice hugo. He looks even more handsome than when I left. He's taller now and has more defined muscles and jaw. His eyes are still a vibrant green and his black hair is messy but still appropriate. Isa also seems to be blushing a bit.

"Hi!" I wave with a smile. Amber eyes me. "You look familiar" is all she says and yet Isa bursts out in laughter. I roll my eyes and elbow her side "enough Isa" she calms down but still has a prominent smirk. I turned my attention back into the people in the room. "I'm hurt, you don't remember your own sister?" I fake a very hurt expression and put my hand over my heart. It makes isa double over in laughter once again.

"Sofia!" My older siblings shout. With wide smiles they race to hug me. I'm instantly tackled in a familiar hug. "I missed you both so much" I whisper into James chest. "We missed you too" they said at the same time, pulling away. I ran to hug mom and dad. "Sofia! You look so grown up!" Mom exclaimed as she squeezes me tightly.

I kiss her cheek and go hug my friends. One by one I got around and hug them, getting tears and smiles. When I get to Hugo I blush a bit but smile none the less. He wraps his arms around me and sighs. "I've missed you so much" he mumbled. "I've missed you too hugo" I say closing my eyes as I hug him. We pull away before it become to awkward to the people around us.

While I was hugging people, isa was reuniting with James. They had become good friends in the time before we left for the academy. And I'm assuming that's who isa was blushing at earlier, and that she has a major crush on him. I also know that James has always had a crush on isa, so I'd have to get them to confess.

Dad announces that it's time for dinner and tells the maids to add tow extra plates for us. We all head to the dining room and I sit across from mom with amber on one side and Hugo on the other. Isa is sitting beside James who is sitting beside mom. Once the food is served I eat slowly, isa doing the same. Everyone talks and eats a bit faster, but we keep our eyes on our plates.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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