Help From Her Team

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(walking with Temari) (gasps)
Lady Temari look!! (points to Naruto)

What is it Matsu- (eyes widen) Naruto!!
( she runs to him and holds his head up)

We have to find Yome!

What do we do?

Your telekinesis jutsu!
Use it to connect to Yome!

O-oh yes ma'am! (closes her eyes and does the serpent sign)

[Yome and Sen]
(walking to the exit gate)


(Feels Matsuri's energy and runs)

Yome!! (Follows her)

Yome, please heal Naruto!

W-What happened?!

Temari-No questions hurry he's bleeding a lot!!!

Yome-Alright! (takes off her backpack and focuses her medical chakra into Naruto)

Sen-(Why does Lady Temari care so much about this whisker face?)

Yome-I'll heal his wound and stop the bleeding just take him somewhere safe to fully heal

Temari-Got it!

[Yome heals Naruto and Temari takes him to her room to rest]

Temari-(laying on his chest hearing for a heartbeat)

Naruto-(opens his eyes) Uhn...

Temari-(teary eyed) You're alive! (hugs him)



Naruto-(gets up slowly) Did you save me?

Temari-I flew you here so does that count?

Naruto-It counts a lot, thank you

Temari-You should be thanking Yome and Matsuri not me, by the way there was a scroll by your body

Naruto-Can you read it for me?

Temari-Sure (opens it)

By the time you're reading this...I'm no longer the Hokage.
Sasuke and Sakura have been ordered to hurt you by Danzo, he put them under some type of mind control genjutsu and is using them like guinea pigs.
I'll try to find you when I get out the prison.

Naruto-So she's locked up now?

Temari-Seems like it

Naruto-I have to go back there and get her but Sakura said...

Sakura v/o-We'll have a whole squad of ANBU waiting for you!

Naruto-I don't care! I am going back

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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