Ch 4. The Deal

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"I want to strike a DEAL," Caroline announced once again catching Damon off guard

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"I want to strike a DEAL,"
Caroline announced once again catching Damon off guard.

"Deal?", asked Damon the surprise, apparent in his voice. "What kind of deal?"

"I will help you achieve whatever your goal is in exchange for you not killing me," answered Caroline. Hopefully, he is smart enough to take up her offer. She is a pretty good comrade to have. She could get things done in the shortest amount of time by hook or by crook and another reason is that she didn't want to die for some petty reason like when he gets bored of her or her not being of any use to him. Thankfully, she can't be compelled because she was pretty sure that that would have been her faith if she could have been.

Unable to bear the silence any longer she voiced out once again, "How does that sound?".

Damon thought for a few seconds and then answered back with a mocking tone, "This is what I have come to, I now need help from Prudy Trudy".

"HEY", yelled Caroline offended yet again by another stupid nickname that he decided to Baptize her with.

Damon slightly chuckled at her annoyed expression. Surely she was cursing him in her mind. Irritating her was pretty fun.

Caroline was pissed. When will people stop treating her like a fool? First, the stupid vampire dude won't stop calling her names. And then he had the audacity to laugh at her. Is it that hard to just called her CAROLINE? She was convinced that her time with him is going to be very annoying.

When Caroline looked at him strangely, he realised that he was lost in his thoughts. He got distracted by her attics yet again. What was happening to him? This was not like him. Damn her and her cute pout.

Getting back to the topic at hand Damon questioned once again, "And why would you help me in the first place?". To be honest, that was a pretty good bargain she was offering. She didn't ask much in return but his trust issues weren't letting him cave easily. Who even was Damon without his trust issues, ego and pride which were as big as the size of Mount Everest?

"Well, You were going to compel me to do your bidding anyways so I thought why not do it willingly", retorted Caroline like it was the most obvious thing to say.

Damon simply nodded his head with a smug grin in response as her answer made a lot of sense.

At his nod of approval, Caroline revealed, "Also, I know the name of each and every single council member. I could help keep their suspension away from you and even could get you into the council if you want".

"This about it, that would undoubtedly work in your favour. You definitely don't look like the Edward Cullen type to survive off animal blood", Caroline indicated. Like wasn't that obvious he did almost suck her blood till she finally passed out from blood loss and fear.

"Edward Colour.........? Who?????", questioned Damon confused about the unfamiliar name. But she was definitely right, he was not a part of the animal blood-drinking freaks like Stefan.

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