Chapter 5

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. . .A boy my age stepped out of the car. He had sandy blond hair that was wavy and covered his ears. He wore blue polarized aviator sunglasses, dark jeans, a simple white t-shirt, and grey sneakers. Something simple but it looked really good on him.

 I hadn't realized I was staring until Sanchez elbowed me in the side, bringing me out of my trance. I quickly stuck my tongue out before watching the Alpha step out of the drivers' side. I only assumed it was the Alpha because of the dominance rolling off of him in waves. He looked similar to the boy, taller with brown hair with small streaks of grey.

 Another person climbed out of the back. I was guessing were-dingo by the smell. Both the Alpha and the son were wolves, they smelled exactly like them with hints of pine and moonlight.

"Damien," the Alpha greeted, his low voice seeming to command the air around him. My wolf wanted me to bow to him but I kept my chin up, watching the small group from my spot.

"Michael, good to see you again," my father replied though he seemed less than happy to see the other Alpha. It wasn't obvious, but you could see it in his stance. If you watched close enough you could learn the different stances of my father and figure out what they meant.

The other Alpha, Michael, nodded before clearing his throat. "This is Colten, my Beta, and my son," Michael said. The boy with sandy blond hair, Colten, stepped forward. "And this is my third, Brody." Who I had assumed was the third and were-dingo stepped forward to the other side of the Alpha. He was about five foot ten, with brown hair and striking green eyes. Whereas Brody was tall for my standards, both Michael and Colten were taller. Around six feet at least. I was short for a werewolf, only about five foot five.

"Please, come inside," my mother invited, playing the role of the gracious host. Michael, Brody, and Colten followed her up onto the porch, stopping to look at us.

"And who are these two?" the visiting Alpha asked, looking between Sanchez and me, a curious glint in his eyes.

"Lupita, our eldest child," my father introduced, "and Sanchez our son." I gave a tight-lipped smile while my brother waved a hand in recognition.

"If she's the oldest then why is he more dominant?" Brody asked while Colten glanced at us with the same curious look as his father. People always seemed to ask that when I wasn't more dominant. Or position in the pack changed so much that most people didn't pay attention, only to the idea that we were more dominant than them. 

"We're twins," Sanchez and I answered at the same time. We exchanged looks and smiled. Sometimes we would speak at the same time but it rarely happened. As we got older and older it happened less and less, so we loved it when it did happen.

The Alpha nodded, accepting the answer.

"And your leg?" Colten asked, looking at me, having seen the black bulky boot. Oh shit. I was hoping they wouldn't ask that. I glanced at my parents for a moment before looking back at him.

"A mere accident," I replied, hoping he couldn't sense my lie. Colten nodded after a second, his face void of a readable expression and his eyes covered by his sunglasses. They continued inside, following my mother into the formal living room we used when we had guests.

It was the room you entered into when you first stepped inside the house. The walls were a warm tan color, a large fireplace against the back wall with a brick hearth and wooden mantle. Two red couches facing each other with a coffee table between them. Off to the sides were two accent armchairs that matched the rest of the room, adding to the cozy and warm vibe. The whole point of this room was to make it seem like you were welcomed. Even though most of the time the pack really didn't want you here.

Sanchez and I followed them inside, keeping a short but long enough distance from them. The guests hesitantly sat down, Colten sitting across from his father who sat next to Brody on the one couch. I looked at them for a moment before continuing into the kitchen. I really didn't want to be in a room with three Weres that I didn't know, especially when they already seemed to dislike me. Sanchez stayed in that room with them, sitting down in one of the armchairs. If he was going to stay in there, I would at least figure out what they talked about later from him.

I leaned against the counter, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. At least I was able to get out of serving the guests because I was injured. As I sipped on the water, I thought about the guests. The Alpha didn't look young and his son looked around my age but then again, it's hard to tell the age of a were. 

We aged like normal humans but we didn't look or act our age. I was only seventeen but I was about the height of a fourteen or a fifteen-year-old and had the young look of a sixteen-year-old. With my naturally tan skin and dark-colored hair, I looked younger than I seemed. Almost innocent. I snorted at the thought, knowing I was far from it. Don't get me wrong, I hadn't killed anybody. Yet. But I was a wolf trapped in a teenager's body and vice versa when transformed. I didn't go to school with normal people, instead, I've been homeschooled my entire life.

"Ahem," somebody said, snapping me back to reality. My eyes widened when I realized it was Colten.

"Ah, hello," I said, slightly embarrassed I hadn't realized he'd walked in. I took a sip of my water as he watched me with his piercing blue eyes, having taken his sunglasses off.

"What were you laughing about?" he asked, watching me put down the water bottle.

"I was thinking," I answered truthfully, putting my crutches back under my arms.

He raised an eyebrow. "And was that certain thought funny?"

"Amusing to me," I replied. "Do you need help with anything?" I added, trying to be nice since he was a guest.

"I'm good but shouldn't I be asking you the same question?" Colten asked, grinning from his own remark.

"No, you shouldn't," I said, already annoyed by him. "I can manage, thank you very much," I didn't mean to add in the sarcastic thank you but it slipped out. Before he could say anything else, I walked out of the kitchen with the aid of my crutches, heading down to the basement to disappear. 

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