new villains

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Mimi:so those are the precure they don't look dangerous or spacial at all.

Jin:well the boss told us not to under rest them we the members of the council of evil must get rid of them once and for all.

???:yes we must but first we must get rid of the pink cures first because they will be harder to take down.

Mimi:yeah yeah don't remind us ok.

???:your in rank 5 in the council I'm rank 1 so i am the boss of you

Jin:whatever now we watch them and cure happy is losing faith in her friends that good for us.

Mimi:true maybe we could get her on our side.

???:no the boss would just kill her at the first chance she get we must destroy their friendships.

Mong:how are everything for the plan.

Mimi:great sir.

Mong:good take cure happy stang friendship to good use.


???:yessir we won't let you down.

Mong:you better you know what happens to those who fail right.

Mimi:right the boss rage and death to us.

Mong:correct now get started.


Natula:have fun while you can precure's as many have fail to destroyed you we won't rest till your done for hahaha.

Jong:mistress the machine is done and ready to be use.

Natula:perfect now we must find the power sources in each Precure time.

precure all stars on sideline one shotWhere stories live. Discover now