Fei Wang Fu

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1.12 am
Tokyo, Japan.

“Young One. Do you think it would be best to visit your grandfather in Paris while he is looking for you” Fuzzi asked “I am not sure if it the best decision but I need to see Grandpa Fu” I said to the Kwami.
I walked into the cemetery and turned a few corners before looking at the grave in front of me.
It read
Here lays
Kei-Kei Wang Fu
She was a great Daughter, Wife, Friend, Sister and Mother.
She died at 29
“She was a good person” Fuzzi said. “I Rember when I first saw her she thought I was a mouse like animal”Fuzzi said “Hey mom how are you doing? Am sorry I stole for those people but I needed to get apples for Fuzzi. I love you and miss you everyday but am going to see Grandpa Tomorrow ”I said “I miss you too ”Fuzzi said.

Paris France
“Welcome to Paris France. Home to the Eiffel tower and our city protector Ladybug and Chat Noir”
“He gave the other Miraculous”Fuzzi said. “Fuzzi I think we should go patrol”I said “Okay but first apples”Fuzzi said “I got only two apples from the plane ride here”I said “It okay now say the words” “What about the apple”I asked “Oh yeah”

5 minutes later.
“Are you done” I asked Fuzz nodded “Fuzzi Ignite!!” i said.
Fuzzi got pulled into my necklace
And power move all around my body from my necklace all over my body. My body glowed red and I was in my hero costume wow I forgot how uncomfortable this suit is. “Help!!!"that my cue to watch the ‘heroes ’ at work.

3rd Person POV
Lady Dragon ran towards the sound of fight. “M'lady do you have any ideas” Chat noir said as they tried to fight this akumatised villain (he was a shadow man with a sword) “Chat am about to time out”Ladybug said. Lady Dragon jump down from the very high building she was on “Who are you another villain?”Chatnoir asked “No friend help a hero” Lady Dragon said. Kick punch. The akumatised villain can multiple okay now.
“Dragon eyes!!” She scream, look for the real villain and I use one of his double’s sword to kill “You are not supposed to kill him”Ladybug said sadly “I know!” Lady Dragon said “Flames Purify” Lady Dragon said and the villain and everything else was as it was supposed to be. “Who are you?”the news reporter asked (ladybug left a few minutes ago) “I am Lady Dragon and I will help protect the people of Paris with Ladybug and Chat noir to make sure Hawkmoth is defeated till next time!” she said as  she ran.
“You did well young one ”Fuzzi said “Tomorrow we will see Grandpa”Fei  said “Okay but rest now”fuzzi said

The Dragon Miraculous.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora