Chapter 1

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I feel a push against my back and run straight into the lockers. I turn around, not even caring about my books, and look at the perpetrator's face. He smiles at me while I memorize what her looks like. I quickly turn around without saying a word to him. I don't care who he is or what he wants. He grabbed my shoulder and spins me to look at him, "What's your name, new girl?" I wouldn't tell him even if I could speak. I shake my head and roughly remove his arm from my shoulder. I turn back down the hallway and make my way to the classroom. I quickly walk to the back of the class and sit in the seat closest to the window. I take a deep breath in and release it. I absolutely hate being the new girl, and in the middle of the second semester too. The class starts and I am happy the teacher followed the request of not mentioning me at all. 

The school day goes as anyone would. I get stared at and I'm the new shiny toy for a little while. 

I walk out of the school relieved to no longer be in there. I quickly walk to my motorcycle at the back of the parking lot. Students are gathered around it and I quickly push my way through. I sit on my bike and pull my leather jacket on and start the bike. I rev it and pull out of the parking lot with grace and precision. 

I arrive home and quickly make my way up to my room. I skip past the living room not wanting to see my drunken father on the couch. I put my bag down and make my way to the kitchen. I look through the food and decide on spaghetti for dinner tonight. I make the spaghetti and add the Italian seasoning to it to add just the right amount of flavor. I then make the noodles and mix in the meat. I add in Prego after that and let it cool on the stove for a little bit. I make a bowl for my father and put it in his place with a beer knowing he would be there soon. 

I go to my room and quickly change into a pair of ripped leather pants. I put on a red tube top and grab my leather jacket that has written Queen on the back in bold gold letters. I pull my hair into a dutch braid and slip through my window. I go to my second motorcycle and quietly roll it out of the driveway. I hop on and ride away.

I make it to the forest and quickly hide my bike. I take off running with my super speed and make it to the mansion I had built a while ago. I walk in to see my son and my older brother. I smile at them and grab little Tommy. I carry him up to his room and tuck him in. He smiles at me and lightly kisses my cheek. I take off my scent blockers and cover him with a comfort-safe-mother scent. He relaxes and his own orange and cinnamon scent comes out contently. An alpha. Just like his- nope not going to think about it. I know I may be an omega, but that does not mean I will bow down to anyone. I have my own family to look after. 

I walk down the stairs and see my brother sitting on the couch. I sit down and cuddle up to him. I need my comfort from an emotionally exhausting day. He hugs me, "You're going to be okay, Marinette."

I smile and rub my scent on him. I wish I could answer him, but I can't. I haven't even found my True Mate. When I find them, only he can get me my voice back. For now, I can think in my head what I want to say out loud. Thank you, Luka.

I just hope I find him soon


I know y'all are going to skip over this, but I just thought I'd let you know. I don't post a lot. To be completely honest I wasn't even expecting anyone to read my stories. I just thought that I would post it and just get back to it when I felt like it. I run out of ideas sometimes and I need my time to think. With me though, it is to write the idea then and there and get back to it when you feel inspired. I love that you guys read my stories and thank you. I find myself in a lot of deep holes and the likes and the number of people that add my stories to their lists is one of my saving graces. 

Thank you all so much. Much love,


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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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