Chapter 5: Thomas and the Fish

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 When Thomas puffed along his branch line, he always look forward to something special. The sight of the river. As they rumble over the bridge, he would see people fishing. Thomas often wanted to stay and watch, but his driver said...

THOMAS' DRIVER: No! What would The Fat Controller say if we were late?

Every time he met another engine he say...

THOMAS: I want to fish

But they all had the same answer.

James: Engines don't go fishing!

Thomas: Silly stick in the muds.

 One day, he stopped as usual to take him water at the station by the river. Out of order.

THOMAS: Bother! I'm thirsty.

THOMAS' DRIVER: Never mind. We'll get some water from the river.

 They found a bucket and some rope and went to the bridge. Then the driver left the bucket down to the water. The bucket was old and have 5 holes, so they had to fill it, pull it up, and empty it into Thomas' tank as quickly as they could several times over. They finished at last.

Thomas: That's good, that's good.

Before long, Thomas and Annie and Clarabel ran happily behind. Suddenly, Thomas began to feel a pain in his boiler. Steam began to hiss with his safety valve in an alarming way.

THOMAS: OUCH! What's happened?

THOMAS' DRIVER: There's too much steam!

THOMAS: Oh dear! I'm going to burst! I'm going to burst!

Thomas' driver and fireman damped down his fire and struggled on.

THOMAS: I've got such a pain, I've got such a pain!

They stopped just outside the last station, uncoupled Annie and Clarabel and ran Thomas, who was still hissing fit to burst, on a siding right out of the way. Then, while the guard telephoned for an engine inspector, the driver found notice in large letters, which he hung on Thomas in front and behind. Danger: Keep Away. 

Soon, the inspector and The Fat Controller arrived.

INSPECTOR: Cheer up, Thomas. We'll soon put you right.

The driver told them what had happened.

INSPECTOR: So the feed pipe is blocked. I'll just look in the tanks.

He climbed up and peered in, then he came down.

INSPECTOR: Excuse me, sir, please look in the tank and tell me what you see.

THE FAT CONTROLLER: Certainly, inspector.

Replied The Fat Controller. He clambered up, looked in and nearly fell off in surprise.

THE FAT CONTROLLER: Inspector. Can you see fish?

(Thomas is horrified upon hearing this)

THOMAS: (Thought) Uh-oh, now I'm in trouble. 

THE FAT CONTROLLER: Gracious goodness me! How did the fish get there, driver?

THOMAS' DRIVER: We must have fished them from the river with our bucket.

THE FAT CONTROLLER: Well, Thomas, so you and your driver had been fishing. But fish don't suit you. We must get them out.

They all took turns and fishing into Thomas' tank while The Fat Controller looked down and told them how to do it. When they had caught all the fish, they had a lovely picnic supper of fish and chips.

THE FAT CONTROLLER: Mmm. That was good. But fish don't suit you, Thomas, so you mustn't do it again.

THOMAS: No, Sir, it won't happen again, Sir. Engines don't go fishing. It's too uncomfortable.

Thomas had stopped thinking about fishing since that day. 

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