Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

'I haven't seen Denki in forever' Y/N thought to herself 'I really missed him'

Once she got home she got out of her car and walked into her home. She doesn't live with her father anymore but she still is very close. She sat on her couch next to her cat, Melody, who sat on her lap. Y/N had a way with cats because of her cat-like quirk so of course, she had to own a cat.

She opened her phone and went to contacts to look at Denki and her old conversations. 'Denki and I used to talk like every day. What happened and why did we stop chatting after we graduated from UA?' Y/N thought with a frown on her face.

She decided to send a text to Denki because she thought that they should make plans to catch up with each other.


[Hey Denki! It's Y/N. I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to hang out soon and catch up?]

Y/N sent the text and she saw the three dots pop up. Y/N waited with a lot of anticipation in what Denki was going to respond with. She got a text back.


[Of course. We could meet up in the morning and go for a coffee if you want. Let's go to the coffee shop we always went to when we were kids]


[I can't wait. How about at 9:30]


[Sounds great. See you then]

Y/N was ecstatic to know that she was going to be able to chat with Denki. She knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep that night because she was so excited. She picked up Melody and went to her room to watch some anime.

Time skip to next day:

Y/N woke up with Melody right by her head. She got out of bed and woke Melody up to feed her Breakfast. After that, she got dressed in a pair of leggings and a sports bra. It was a little chilly so she put on a windbreaker which was her favorite color, f/c. She grabbed her keys and said goodbye to her cat and drove to the coffee shop.

Once she got there she waited for Denki, who of course, showed up late like always. "Hey Y/N, sorry I was late" He apologized.

"No problem. I know that you could never keep track of time, I see that hasn't changed" She laughed.

"Ha, yeah. Well um let's go order and then take a seat"

They got into line and ordered. They saw an open table and sat there.

"So um how have you been lately," Y/N asked curiously.

"Oh well, I haven't been doing much. I am still friends with Bakugo and Kirishima as you saw and I am always dragging them to do things with me, but still, I feel pretty useless"

"Yeah same, I mean I could apply to pro hero jobs but I have been rejected by so many that I decided to take a break"

"Oh I'm sorry, that sucks"

"Yeah. Well, what about you? Have you tried to get into any pro hero jobs?"

"No. I don't know why. I mean, yes, my dream job is to be a hero, but I don't know. After graduating I just felt this overall sadness. I think it's because I had to leave all of you guys."

"Oh, that's sweet."

"He, yeah."

"Well, I'm here now. Maybe we can try together. Just like the old days. How does that sound?"

"Yes, that sounds like fun. I'm so glad that we were able to catch up. You know I always looked up to you in class. You were always so kind and funny. I definitely liked you a lot, I just never had the courage to say anything"

"Oh wow really, thank you."

"Yeah well, do you maybe want to come to hang out at my place with Bakugou and Kirishima?"

"Oh sure, you live with them?"

"Yeah, I made sure to never leave them"

Y/N smiled at his remark and stood up, "Let's go then. I can't wait" They both stood up and left the coffee shop.

"How do you want me to get there. I can either drive right behind you till we get to your house or I can just go with you in your car and you can just take me back here later" Y/N questioned.

"Well, I think it would be easier for you to just come with me in my car" Denki responded.

"Okay sounds good let's go" Y/N got into Denki's car and he drove off to his house.

AN: Hello I am so sorry about how long this took to put out. I have been very busy with school. I am a lot less busy now but I am almost out of school so when I am out of school I will have way more time to work on this. I am very sorry about how long it took for this to come out but thank you. I hope you are enjoying the story. Love you bye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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