chapter 1

51 2 3

🦎Spinner(I didn't know what other emoji to use)

NO ones PoV

Bar, noisy as ever, the light skimmed and searched for something to attack, the silent clink of glass as it were placed back down by the bartender whom was a walking pile of purple gas in a suit continues so slave away cleaning the glasses over and over again.
Its oak bar was tinted red from all the alcahol ever spilt.

Nobody ever seemed to enter the ol' bar. It was probably to well hidden, but it was a great villain hideout. The LOV of which resided here. The main group aka the vanguard action squad, well most of it rest here with their leader tomura shigaraki he was 5,9 and in his early twenties.
Though for this age he had no perspective on social or emotional behaviours. He always isolated himself from the world scince 6 years old- Unsure of why but he has , that is if he decided that- he was normally lounging around or in his room.
Talking about his room, none of us had ever seen it. Well. Except spinner
.spiner our mutant freind had grown a freindship with tomura completly out of the blue.

They were seen together alot of the time.  The rest of the LOV dont know why.

Weve been runnning for 5 , 6 years now? Weve pretty much gave up on villainy. Except stealing. But thats becuase we cant buy shit as we would  be arrested.

Afo has not done anything to tomura after the war. And somehow we all lived. We even found some weird ass way to bring twice back. But it kinda included necromancy. Its pretty useful and afo peft tomura with all his powers. Were planning to kill him. But we dont know how yet with the heroes on our backs too.  We dont want to make a deal with them as they would want to trap afo and us instead of killing afo. Tomura hates the idea but loves it too.
He dosent like killing the only person who saved yim. But realised he didnt save him to begin with. He groomed him. Hes been learning how to read write, and general acedemics for 5 years. Its been going well . Infact we can say he dosent really need to learn anything else now. Weve also gotten
him to learn more social abilities. And hes became way more pleasent to talk to. He gets jokes and make them to!
He also has became more accepting of his emotions. But he still dosent really express them. Unless he cant control himself. Then he will so generally lifes been great! And its about to get alot better with my new.

Spinners POV :

🦎Cmon ! We dont have all day.

I dragged boss outside.

✋What! Cmon spinny tell me~

🦎No you silly flirt.

✋Awww please?

🦎Nope hah

✋Your mean.

🦎Your about to see it anyways !

I hold him still and removed his blindfold. There was a van, a new van.

✋Spinny i.

🦎So we can all go on road trips again!

The van glistened in the dusk of today. Its paint yes slightly flakey perfectly  describes us the LOV as a family of sorts. Its wheels scorteched and wing mirror  polished properly. It was ready for new adventures.  Our past van sadly was now a house of sorts. Well for small animals in the woods that is. Darn heroes. We rode everywhere in that old rust bucket. Now. We have more adventures to go on!

Mabey one day we could travel across sea! To really anywhere!europe sounds cool. But we dont exactly know if were known natinoally as villains yet or not.
England sounds quite fun. Or europe in general, mabey america or mexico the options are endless for now!

But. Were villains. We cant just hop on a plane! We would be arrested. Its hard enough whith the discrimination anyways. But aside from that ,a pregnated silence was upon me and boss.

🦎Soooooooooo now what?

🤚I dont know.. im just flaberghatsed on how and where you got this van.

🦎I have my secrets heh.


Well, do you want to go back inside and play video games?


We hurry inside to play , i drag tomura into his room its suprisingly clean for such a scruffy man. Plushies align the shelves. He whips out a diffrent game.. ive never seen it before. 

🤚"I cant rmember who got this for me but i have it, wanna play?


We set and boot the game up.



Looks old.

Most likley is.

A blue porcupine apprears on screen hiving a thumbs up with a glove on.

Looks like he has a mutation quirk

It says june 23rd 1991.this is before quirks!

Holy shit. This could go for millions!

I dobt really care about the money. Plus AFO has alot more of them hell even
👎︎☼︎ ☠︎✡︎👌︎⚐︎☹︎
Has em all, it grew up with em.
It looks very pixilated and its 2D, intresting.

There was also a yellow fox? And a red enchilida?

It was diffcult to tell honestly.
We played for hours with each sonic they were very fun for such old games.
He gad loads of oldies like minecraft, which was really good back then. And fun apparently. Its very odd that AFO and 👎︎☼︎ ☠︎✡︎👌︎⚐︎☹︎ had them. Mabey they are from that era..
We kept looking through
More skylanders
Odd, they all are old. There was no newer games .

"🦎Do you wanna try out some of my games?


I brought all my games through, he seemed intruiged.

🦎Well? What do you wanna play?

✋Hmm mabey we should play....


A/N hello! Sorry for my dornmant like state. Life kinda cuaght up to me ha, i also have a new fave ship for tomura. And it has alot of evidence that it could happen. Im sure youll find out. Soon enoguh.. =)
- maruchi, also known as DR.Nybol

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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