Ups and downs

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Their relationship was strange to the eyes of the others. 

A gambler and a detective, who wouldn't find it odd. 

But who cares what they think, even if they are complete opposites, they know they belong together. 

Both have suffered and are still suffering.

Kyoko suffered from trust issues along with abandonment issues. All of her life she was told that her father didn't want her anymore. She was raised not as a child, but as an heir. She never had the joy of playing with the other kids, she was instead overseas with her grandfather learning many things that she would cherish forever, as it's the only thing she can remember from her childhood. When she'd meet distant relatives, they have always seen her as the poor girl that was abandoned by her father. She wanted him gone, but unfortunately, he was trying everything to get her back. He regretted giving up on her, but she wanted to thank him for doing so. She is doing something she loves. She doesn't want to get attached to anyone in fear they'll leave her as he did. 

On the other side, there's Celeste. She was exposed at a young age to the danger of the gambling world. Plus there was also Taeko, her real name. She despised that name simply because it brought her to times she wishes to forget, times where she was looked down on and taken advantage of. Taeko was weak, she hated herself and wanted to disappear. 

The pair together were helping each other, Kyoko slowly opened up to Celeste and Kyoko helped Celeste loving Taeko as much as Celeste, though it wasn't as easy as it sounds. 

Celeste forced Kyoko to open up when one day she heard yelling coming from the principal office and a door being slammed by Kyoko. This was the most emotions she had seen from the girl. She followed her until the other stopped and broke down in an empty hallway. Celestia stood there watching Kyoko cry. She always wanted to break the mask Kyoko would wear, but now that she actually saw it... it was heartbreaking. She rarely had pity for others, but since she saw herself in Kyoko, she let it happened. 

On Celeste's side, it was when Kyoko found her, semi-conscious on the floor, almost bleeding out from the wounds she inflicted herself. It was also when she found Celeste collapse in the bathroom after she had thrown up her lunch. Taeko wanted to be Celeste, but she knew she had to disappear and she did everything so it would be the case. Kyoko loved her, she actually was the one to confessed has it had been something that was clouding her mind. 

When they first kissed, it was an intense connection. The two of them never let go of each other. They graduated from Hope's Peak and are living together. 

Though this was only the start of the roller coaster. Celeste kept gambling even when Kyoko told her it was too dangerous. She came back once all beat up, because of a sore loser. It ended up in a fight. 

Or when Kyoko would go away for weeks to solve a case, Celeste felt alone and wanted to dive back into the old habits. When Kyoko would discover the new scars on Celeste's arms, there would be a fight. 

Or when Kyoko would overwork herself, there would be a fight. 

They fought often, but it always ended in Kyoko apologizing and Celeste doing the same often reluctant. It usually ended up with cuddles or intense sex, fighting for dominance was almost always determined based on who was right. Celeste would release her anger, but would always make sure not to go too far. For Kyoko, she just wanted to show Celeste that even if they fought, she loved her and she would never leave her. 

Often, they would set their fight with strip poker, to Celeste's demand. Even if Kyoko managed to get some clothes off Celeste, the gambler always won. 

Even if they were opposites, they loved each other. This brings us to the moment present. 

Both in bed, out of breath from the intense moment they had just gone through. Celeste was the dominant tonight and she sure took the opportunity. Kyoko didn't mind, she loved it, but she would always make sure her partner was okay. "I'm sorry Celeste, I know how much gambling means to you and I shouldn't have told you to stop because I'm worried... but promise you'll be more careful?" Kyoko said as she looked at the ceiling trying to catch her breath. "I'll be more careful if it can reassure you, and I guess I'm sorry for how rough I was tonight... I just really needed to evacuate." Kyoko chuckled, "It's fine, you probably rearranged my insides and left marks everywhere, but I enjoyed every part of it," She said turning around to face Celeste kissing her forehead. "That's why I love you, even if we're at our lowest, your still here for me," Celeste said as she faced Kyoko bringing her closer. "Of course I am, I love you too. Perhaps we could take a shower and clean the sheets... Tonight was rather messy, on both ends." Kyoko said as she wrapped her arms around the other's waist. "Can we just stay like this for a while, you're warm." "That's your doing." Celest giggle and kissed the other shoulder, which turned into marking her, "There that way if you go away people will know you're taken." Kyoko chuckled at her girlfriend's jealousy, she reached for the other's bottom and squeezed it earning a glare, " Perhaps next time I'll take my revenge and destroy this pretty ass of yours." Kyoko said as she whispered into the other's ear. Celeste smirked and kissed Kyoko. The kiss full of passion. When they separated they looked into each other's eyes, smiling. Celeste took Kyoko's hand and tried to drag her to the bathroom, but she didn't take two steps she fell on the floor. "Are you alright Dear?" Celeste said with an ounce of sarcasm, Kyoko gave her a playful glare and held her hand so Celeste could help her. 

They were both in the bath washing each other before relaxing, Celeste was smiling down at the hickeys she had left on her partner, noticing her eyes closing. Celeste got out of the bath earlier than Kyoko to change the sheets. 

After she did she helped her girlfriend get ready for bed, as the two of them got under the covers, Kyoko snuggle against Celeste, it didn't take two minutes for the detective to fall asleep, which made the gambler smile, she kissed her partners head and whispered:

"Thank you for being there during the ups and downs."

A/N: This is just something that crossed my mind, I'll probably repost it on Ao3 when I have my account and delete it here. I'll modify stuff and probably add more details to certain "scenes". I like writing these as it's a way to just... empty my mind.

 I'll add my Ao3 (when I have it) on my linktree which is in my Wattpad bio.

1201 words

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