Ups and downs (Updated and final version)

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No one knows how their relationship came to be.


It was when Makoto cheated on Kyoko.

He was the first person she opened up to. He was also the first person she put so much trust in and what did he do... he tore it apart like a useless piece of paper. She wasn't good enough for him. When he told her he had slept with Sayaka, she didn't show an ounce of emotion. She just said something along the lines of "I hope you'll be happier with her and that it was worth throwing the faith I had in you away." Of course, he felt bad after hearing the last part, but he couldn't have said anything because she was long gone.

Weeks after the incident, the whole school was aware of the news. Of course, Makoto and Sayaka were popular, not in a positive way... Although one person didn't participate in the new couple's hate club, instead she made sure Kyoko was fine in all of this. Thus being the reason for their blooming friendship.

Celeste helped Kyoko in many ways Aoi or any of her classmates couldn't. She didn't tell her that everything was going to be fine. She was told the cold harsh truth, but that's what she needed to hear and she was grateful someone wasn't sugarcoating the facts.

Yes, Makoto abused your trust. Yes, he went to some popular girl. Yes, he gave up on you like you were some practice dummy and yes he probably only wanted to sleep with you even if he didn't seem like it.

Kyoko realized that she never loved Makoto, she always had the feeling what she felt towards him was never romantic love, but simply a great trust. When he asked her out, she answered yes and asked herself how big of a difference can it be. It changed their whole relationship. He often told her that her trust issues were hard to deal with and not everybody is going to give up on her, ironic when you look at how things ended.

She didn't leave her room the following days, weeks, months. She was working hard to forget that he had backstabbed her.

But Celeste was there. Celeste was there forcing her to take care of her needs. She was there when she needed someone the most, although she would never admit it. Their relationship grew from classmates to acquaintances. Often Celeste would come, sometimes followed by Hifumi, and drink her milk tea in company of Kyoko. Even if she kept her guard up and often pushed away the gambler, she always came back. It took a full-on year before Kyoko opened up about her feelings, she told herself that if she would leave, then it's better to simply be alone, but she stayed.

Their relationship grew into trustworthy friends, even if Celeste was a compulsive liar and a gambler which technically makes her a criminal, Kyoko fell for her, she fell hard. Despite being a detective and the relationship going against all morals, she trusted her.

Celeste also opened up, she told the truth and for once she was proud of it. She admitted to Kyoko that she also had deep trust issues. She explained how she came to become the person she is today. Kyoko listened and related.

Both had issues, but during the ups in downs, they were there for each other. Even after Hope's Peak, they always met up once a week to tell each other how their week went and would chat about other things.

At one point, they both developed feelings towards each other, but neither wanted to admit it. Both were scared to lose what they had, but Celeste had to do it. She felt jealous when someone would hit on Kyoko during their weekly date. It was burning inside of her. She wanted Kyoko to be hers.

The week after, she arrived with flowers and asked her to be her girlfriend, admitting everything. To her surprise, Kyoko felts the same way and just like that they started dating.

And this relationship would see both sides of a coin, the happy moments and the traumatic past of each other behind fights. Their fights would always be something about the other though it would always be resolved thanks to Kyoko's logic and to Celeste's passionate way of dealing with things.

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