Chapter 1-Spike is dead. DEAL WITH IT!!!!

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Pinkie Pie POV:


I scream happily. I scream a lot and stuff. I also love to sing. I LOVE FRIDAYS! OMG I LOVE FRIDAY ALMOST AS MUCH AS I LOVE CHEESE SANDWICH! Wait, I didn't just say that out loud did I? Twilight looked at me funny. Yep I did say that out loud. I walk over to her hoping that she wouldn't tell any pony else about that.

Twilight: Pinkie,do you really love Cheese Sandwich that much?

Me: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Maybe!

Twilight: Are you sure. Never mind that. Have you seen Spike anywhere?

Me: No I haven't seen Spike and thank you for not telling any pony my crush.

Twilight: HA! I KNEW IT! I mean I wont tell anyone. Pinkie Promise.

Me: Thanks! Now I gotta go plan a party! And I will look for Spike in the process!

I'm glad to get away from that conversation. I love talking but not about who I love. She better keep that Pinkie Promise! I go around town to decorate for my random party to celebrate nothing. I see a puddle of blood, with Spikes body laying on top. I rush over there to investigate the scene. Well he's dead and now I'm going to be sad. Where is Cheese Sandwich when you need him? I look at the body and run to get help. He's dead and I'm never going to be the same. Goodbye Spike, I will always miss you!

Ha! You guys thought i was going to trick you! In your face XD. nothing else to say here.

Goodbye my little cupcakes! Have a derptastic day!

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