The Proposal [Daisuga 🖤🧡]

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Daichi walked into the club that Ushijima and Kuro dragged him into after a whole morning of preparing a speech. The trio ordered a round of a drink and sat in a booth that already had the gang.

"Noya, What are you doing here?"

"Getting a drink?" he said as he looked up at Daichi. "What else would a person do here?"

"Daichi, buddy, relax," Tanaka said as he stumbled on his feet as he, drunkenly, swung his arm over the man. "Don't act like you didn't sneak over here when we were fifteen," the former 2nd year hiccupped while speaking, but they were still able to understand what he was saying.

"Listen, Daichi; I only had one glass," Noya said.

"And that is it, you hear?" Asahi snatched the drink out of the boy's hand; just as Noya opened his mouth to protest, he gulped the rest down and placed it on the waitress tray as she passed by. Noya couldn't choose whether to be mad or impressed.

"Guys, look, my man, Daichi made a mistake with his boyfriend, and we are here to help him forget," Kuroo announced to the group.

"If he is going to forget a silver-haired boy wearing a dress that looks to be scandalous," Tanaka took another big swing of his drink, "then I wouldn't look at the barstool."

Daichi did just that. The thing that he was advised not to, he did it. He looked at his ex-boyfriend in that dress that he bought for their anniversary yesterday. 

"I was holding Kumiko, right?" Tanaka continued to tell the story of how Daichi ended up at his apartment in the middle of the night. 

"You will not believe what this man had in his pocket," Noya asked the question of what was in the pocket, signaling Tanaka to continue.

Bokuto mentioned something about getting more to drink.

"Daichi. Man, you need to stop looking at him." Bokuto patted his back then continued on his way.

As the night continued, Daichi started to get more anxious about what he was about to do.

"Aye, Daichi, it's 11 o'clock. Shows on!"

"Ok," Daichi took one last glance at the silvernette before making his way on stage. 

He didn't miss the surprised expression the boy had when he almost spit out his drink. Daichi surely didn't miss the quick change from shocked to angry on his face.

"H-hello." the feedback of the mic ringing across the club got everyone's attention.

"You got this, Daichi!" and "Woah Daichi." were cheered from the back corner filled with his friends.

"Get off the stage," was shouted by Oikawa, who was sitting next to Suga.

Daichi chuckled at the action. The man grabbed the mic and started to speak.

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