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Benjimin looked around the 'jigsaw group' hideout as he quietly sighed. Zepp had called them all to the table without John's permission. Kramer wasnt even there but a coffin was in his place. Zepp decided to speak.

"So, uh, how the hell do I say this...John Kramer...the leader of this group...uh...died because of cancer." Zepp said. The group didnt take it well. Dr Gorden was calming down a crying Adam, Hoffman was taking a smoke, Logan had a mental breakdown, Amanda was trying not to cry, but Benjimin...oh he didnt take very well at all.

"i-i need to go." He quietly excused himself from the table. "Hey- wait- we aren't even done with the meeting yet-" "I. SAID. I NEED TO GO." Bendy had cut Zepp off as he stormed off into his room in the hideout, leaving the others to process what had happened. "I'll go talk to him." Amanda said. "But what about the others?" Zepp asked. "We may be a mess of emotions right now but that doesn't override my love and support for Ben." She said as she went to Benjimin's room.


Bendy wasn't in his room.

Amanda started to panic. Where did he go?! She went back to Zepp. "You okay-" "Ben's not in his room!" Amanda said. "Wh-where the hell is he then?!" Adam asked, scared that he had died aswel. "We need to figure where Ben has gone-" Dr Gorden started. "-And we need to do it NOW." Hoffman finished for Dr Gorden. "Y...yeah. Yeah your right! Family doesn't leave family behind!" Logan said.


Bendy had ran off from the hideout to a abandoned studio. "better than nothing..." He said as he entered the studio...

And never looked back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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