Riya Eats Wax

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           It was a lovely evening, 9:43 PM. I was just offered some wax by my friend. So, I took the wax and ate it. It was so SCRUMCHUS, like absolutely FLAVORFUL. The taste of the melting wax melted in my mouth, it was so hot yet so good. My mouth was burning because I had only just blown the candle out.

         But the twist of this is, my friend didn't ask.. It was the demon possessing her. the demon we summoned from the Séance. The demon was my dead aunt, she of course loved to joke around. but now that she was a demon she was willing to use those jokes for evil!! I was so disheartened that she wanted me to eat something that would kill me. Yet I still did, unannounced to me I actually liked the taste.

       That wax had been the best thing I had eaten in the 13 years of living in this demon-ridden world. I had only just known that this world was demon-ridden, due to the fact that not just one answered our calls but multiple demons and few good spirits. 



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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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