Dear Shuichi Saihara

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(This takes place in pregame so their personalities are different)

Dear shuichi saihara,

You wasted my time. I spent hours thinking of being with you and even still, you'd probably say it's all my fault. I'm finally learning now that I don't need you to feel secure. I don't need you around to make me feel better. For all you care, I could be dead on the side of a road and you'd just walk by, not saying a word. So what does it matter. Before I end this note, I want you to know that I'm not leaving for you, because of you, or to get away from you. I did it because I wanted to. So goodbye to all of you. I won't miss being punched in the stomach every day. I won't miss getting laughed at by everyone for screwing up every word. I won't miss my parents screaming at me because I didn't do the dishes. I won't miss sitting alone every day at school. I won't miss hiding the sharp pains on my arms and legs everyday. And most of all, I won't miss you. So, I truly hope you can forget about me and move on. Goodbye.

                                   ~signed kokichi ouma

I dropped the pencil I used to write that awful note and quickly crumpled up the paper. I could never send that to him. None of it was true. Nor did he deserve a note from me anyways. I could die and just rot here for years before someone finally remembers the small purple-haired introvert disappeared. But there still was the overwhelming pain in me that so badly wanted to shove that stupid note in his stupid face and finally leave this stupid life. But how could I do that to maki. I couldn't. Just because of a few people, I'd be selfish enough to put all this pain on her? No. I couldn't die knowing that someday someone would waste their time becoming friends with me, just to end up finding me dead on a bathroom floor. So, what could I say. I placed the sleeping pills back into the cabinet and sat at my desk to finish my homework.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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