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Muichiro huffed hard falling to the ground..it was dark..while a shadowy figure came out of the forest...Yuichiro jumped out of his basket jumping in front of Muichiro's sleeping body.

"Stay back!" Yuichiro growled as his eyes sharpened..

"Hush dear...I am Kasumi" The lady had long elegant black hair with a misted over coat. Yuichiro huffed and his eyes softened..He grabbed his brother and picked him up walking to her little cabin..

"So are you Yuichiro?" She asked politely..

"Yea..." Yuichiro scoffed looking at the scenery.

"You and your brother can stay here, while I train your brother. You may make yourself at home," Kasumi replied setting Muichiro in a soft futon and covering him up...She set up another futon looking at Yuichiro.

"I know your a demon, but please get some rest" she insisted. Yuichiro nodded crawling into the soft comfortable futon.

- - -

It was a bright morning, and Muichiro flinched ...He noticed the sun about to shine bright on Yuichiro..He scrambled up and blocked the light..Muichiro huffed in relief and noticed a lady cooking in the kitchen..

"Yui..YUI" He shouted startling the boy.

"JESUS Mui WHAT?!" Yuichiro shouted back a lil annoyed.

"Go move into the shade" Muichiro pointed, Yuichiro nodded scurrying over with his futon and went back to sleep. Muichiro sighed but smiled and walked over to the kitchen to see Kasumi cooking up some food.

"Smells good!" Muichiro said clapping his hands together.

- - -

"Alrighty, I want you to collect seven Lamp Grasses" She pointed out at misty field..'How?! I can barley see the ground from here?' Muichiro thought walking into the misty field...It got harder and harder to breath as he went..

"Agh this sucks-" Muichiro said shaking his head. He walked and walked and tripped on a string...He glanced back quickly to see darts come his way..He shot down and stared blankly at the field. 

"Alrighty- Gotta be careful Mui" he said to himself walking carefully through the field.

( 1 month Later So he did this exercise including running up the mountain, and learning how to breath in misty terrain) 

"Alrighty, I believe it's time for you to learn Mist Breathing!" Kasumi said handing Muichiro a sword (Ima keep him as the lil prodigy he is)

"Take a deep breath and control your breathing, empty out your mind and realise the misty breath"

Muichiro took a deep breath filling his lungs with air blowing out slashing the dummy swiftly as the Mist filled the air. Kasumi stared in amazement.

"Well then..I guess I'll just teach you the techniques then?"

( Another Month Later he learned all the 6 forms of Mist breathing )

Muichiro sat in the cabin and stared at Yuichiro who was in the shade of the cabin..

"Well, I'm going to Final Selection tomorrow..." Muichiro added trying to break the silence...

"You better not die you dummy" Yuichiro scoffed and his eyes widened noticing his brothers pinky in the air.

"I pinky promise!" Muichiro smiled holding his pinky up..Yuichiro's gaze softened and he shook his pinky.

- - -

"Good luck my dear! I'll take good care of Yuichiro" Kasumi waved smiling while Yuichiro stood there waving as well...


Muichiro huffed, his long black hair now with teal tips made him stick out a little..He didn't like that..But he only did it so he could match with his twin..He looked around and noticed a young man around the same age as him with black hair tied up(Giyuu). Giyuu looked at Muichiro and nodded..Muichiro nodded slowly walking away and saw another girl that stood out, she had beautiful black hair with purple tips that was neatly tied up.

"Alrighty, may the Final Selection commence" To little girls clapped their hands as they released us into the mountains...Muichiro took it slow and jumped tree to tree scouting out the area...

- - -

It had been five days, Muichiro slaying as best he can...He had realised how cruel this world is shunned by the deaths he had seen...He ignored it best as he could until he ran into a giant demon....His neck was covered up with twigs protecting his neck... Muichiro stopped seeing him holding too children and gobbling them up...Muichiro hardened his glare and ran up to the demon slashing his arms down..

"First form! Low clouds.." He took a deep breath gracefully slashing the twigs off...He was in the air and dived down "Third form! Scattering Mist Splash" A enormous amount of mist came out of his sword throwing a giant amount of impact onto the demon..Muichiro took this chance to take his head...

- - -

He had made it at last..He looked around seeing only the purple lady and the black haired dude from before..along with a few others but not as many as they first started with...

"Great job then!" Muichiro caught off guard saw two identical twins stand before him..

"You may now pick your iron to create your swords!" Muichiro went up and decided to pick the one that felt right to him handing them to the girls.

"Excellent your sword will be delivered in 3 weeks!" The girls said ..

- - -

Muichiro huffed, exhausted from those five days without much food or water..He trampled down the small hill to see Yuichiro standing there.

"Yuich-" He got cut off tumbling down the small hill...Muichiro braced for impact and felt a warm presence hug him tightly..
"Y-Yuichiro?" Muichiro questioned seeing his brother sob.

"YOUR ALIVE!" Yuichiro shouted hugging him tightly.

Muichiro smiled and hugged his dear brother back..He looked over to see Kasumi waiting for them.

"Cmon you too I have a big meal for you" 

The three had a big feast enjoying their time laughing and fixing each other up!

Muichiro wore a black blazer and with pants wearing some small teal sandals with Yuichiro wearing the same, Yuichiro wore an over coat that had a mist design while Muichiro rather not (so he wears what the oG Muichiro wears.)....

"Ah, yes I also got you this box for Yuichiro" Kasumi said pulling over a beautifully made box that had metal latches...

- - -


Words : 983

Not many words today but I'll probably write more in the next chapter

. : . Our Untitled Fate. : . (Demon Slayer Swap AU) (Wont update for a little)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang