chapter 2

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"How was school?" Daddy asked. "Ok I guess."

I get ready for bed,cangeing into black fuzzy shorts and a dark blue T-shirt, I'm glad we had no homework.

I changed into my teddy bear nightgown and sat on the edge of my bed, swinging my legs back and forth. School wasn't at all what I hoped.

***next day***

"Get up danny,time for school"dad calls I get up,and change.My hair in a pony tail,a black T-shirt, that read 3 days G.,and put on my black backpack,and vans.

I put on a ME!ME!ME! tshirt and pink jeans, with a black jacket.

"Let's go Gabe"I yell, running to the car.

I ran to the car close behind Danny and shut the door.


Eyebrow boy walked up to us.Ghost was smiling at Gabe.

I smiled, talking about stuffs to Ghost.

I smiled,at my ideal......

"Whatcha smiling about??" I asked.

"Nothing"I turened and started to talk to eyebrow boy.

"You know, my name isn't eyebrow boy. It's Marvis."

"Cool"smiles toothy grin.

I looked at Danny. She never really talked to him, why now?

"So,do you draw?"I asked him,felling guilty.

"Yeah." He smiled.

"What do you draw?"I asked,felling bad knowing drawing was me and gabes thing.

I sighed. Why would she do this? "Video games."

"Cool,me and my sister draw a lot"I said,smiling.

I pulled her away. "Why are you doing this...?"

"What?"I asked

"Talking to him like I'm being replaced!!"

"Well I'm sorry you where to busy with ghost,what else should I do!!!"I scream/whisper.

"You could've just joined in the DAMN CONVERSATION."

"How,its not like I'm FUCKING going to know what the HELL you two are saying!!!!DAMN"I say.


"Well get over it,I was mad sorry!!!"I say back

I sighed. "I'm sorry I just.... Don't want you to leave me."

"That's how I feel"I say.

I hugged Danny, feeling like kind of a jerk.

I hugged Gabe feeling like a selfish bitch.

"Um..." Marvis said, confused.

"Sorry..,"I say after s while .

"Me too..." I looked down.

***bed ***

I change into my red fuzzy shorts and a big Black T-shirt.

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